Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sky Watch Friday~ (for-8 ~ 21 ~'09)



This was yesterday's sky in Orlando, Fl.

We went down there and helped
our granddaughter get moved into her dorm at UCF.

Some of the day was like this ~~~

~~~ but most of the day was like this!

Of course, I preferred the blue sky/white clouds parts of the day! :)



  1. Glad the day was a clear one for her move!!!hughugs

  2. that's a water tower right? pretty cool.

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    That is a lot of changing sky in one day!
    I have to say I would love to see some of those dark heavy black clouds, they might drop a little rain and we could sure use some in So Cal!
    Glad they did not rain on your move in day at UCF though!

  4. Beautiful skies...especially the last two...
