Saturday, September 12, 2009

Camera Critters ~9~12~2009


Time for our Camera Critters again!

**Go here to find other posts!**

Spiders~ Spiders~everywhere!

These are
'Golden Silk Orb Weaver'
spiders and they are quite conspicuous around our place this year!

I don't remember ever seeing this many around in the past!
My husband says we have a good 'crop' of them this year-and I'd have to agree! :)

We saw recently on a walk near our house-a huge community of these spiders. The webs and spiders stretched over a distance of about 50 ft. along a fence row, and on upward into the tall oak trees; literally, countless numbers of these big spiders!

(Go here to read about these spiders!)

I don't mind them doing their thing - living out their life in the way they were created to do; in fact, I find them really interesting to watch. The webs are fascinating - a true marvel to see!

OK~ It's not a lot of fun to walk into a web you've missed seeing in time to dodge, :) however, I don't find the spiders a danger at all. They are not gonna jump on me and bite me! :) They can be a nuisance around our patio, but I try to let them alone as much as possible!

* Live and let live!*



  1. Different critter!I love this post and the adorable song from your site, and mainly the statment "Live and let live"!
    purrs, love and Happy Camera Critters!

    BTW, my mommy Léia adores sunflowers!You did a great work with your picture reader!

  2. :) Thanks very much for all your delightful comments!

    Hope you'll visit again.


  3. Cool photo of the spider, I love the first pic with the sky in the background.

  4. That first shot is super Junie!
    I'm allergic to spiders so I stay a safe distance away. :)

    Carletta’s Captures.

  5. Cool post! I love to watch spiders and see their webs (as long as they stay to themselve). The more spiders the better. They get rid of the insects that aren't nice to my plants!

  6. opps! I'm afraid of the spiders, but your photos looks beautiful, I like them in the pictures.

  7. Wow! Great shots!

    I played too :)

  8. Ooo, I don't know about all the creepy crawlies of the world. Some of them kind of scare me, but your photos are awesome.

  9. Hi Junie, Spiders make me shiver... I know they really won't hurt me (except for a brown recluse)----but I'm just not too crazy about them.

    You did get some great photos though... Their webs are so pretty--and they obviously are very creative critters.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  10. You're lucky I got over my fear of spiders! Now I can enjoy looking at the points of interest that lie within these images.

    They do make for a good photography subject matter.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. fantastic shot of spiders.

  12. Those are great pictures, Ginga!

  13. Hi Alli,

    :) I know you don't like spiders....but they do make interesting pictures, ehh? :)

    PS-Hope you like the ones I sent of Lucy-especially that one with yer mom!

    Love and miss you,

