Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mark Knopfler ~ Get Lucky

My son surprised me with this cd yesterday because I had told him it was one I wanted to buy for myself soon! (along with the much anticipated Dan Fogelberg cd which will soon be available)

Well - It's my son's birthday but he gets ME the gift! :) That's the sweet son for you!
Lucky me! :)



I have just had an extraordinary experience... one that I can not even put into words! I have no words to do this justice! This is the most superb music I have ever heard - ever!!

I think Mark Knopfler is better right now-at this point in his life and career- than he was in younger years with Dire Straits. ( And that's saying a lot, coming from me, because I love everything I have ever heard of Dire Straits!)

I have spent, literally, several hours listening to the new Mark Knopfler cd - 'Get Lucky!' I have played it through and followed each word, two maybe three times. Then I decided to look for vids! And- Oh, yes! There are vids on - even though this cd was just released...even a few of live concert footage! What a treasure trove for me!! :)

**I HAVE to see this guy again in concert!! Have to see if it's possible for me on his current tour! Wish me luck!**

EVERY song on this cd is superb...meaningful lyrics-excellent guitar and other instruments mingling together to create a sound that's ...well-indescribable!

You just have to hear it for yourself- buy this cd-get into the music and the words- the stories-of these songs!

Because ALL the songs are so good I had a hard time picking just one- but I finally settled on this one!


Thanks for this vid go to




  1. Hi Junie! I'll have to check to see if this music is on iTunes. I'd love to get this on my iPod.

    Hope you had a great summer. I've slacked off in the blogging department and will try and catch up on all you posts that I've missed.

  2. Rest assured this will be my next CD purchase. Thanks for the heads up Junie--I do love Mark's music!

  3. Hi Fred,

    It's so good to hear from you again. Thanks for coming by.

    WOW! This Knopfler cd is something very special, so hope you will check it out.


  4. Hi Mary,

    :) This cd -all of it- is the best I've heard in a long time. I hope you like it as much as I do!! Bet you will!

