Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sepia Scenes ~Sept 9, 2009


This is my first baby girl.

Tam came to us in 1962! Oh, my - and what a sweet little baby she was!

Her brother, Christoper, was just 3 years older and he would soon have-not one, but- 2 baby sisters ! My second baby girl, Tina, came along about 15 months after Tammy!

You may have noticed I posed Tam with a rose! :)
I have always loved this photo.

~~~These are treasured memories...when my babies were little!~~~


Who would have thought- on this happy day of playing with and posing my new baby girl -that in just a few short years down the road of life...she would be going off to college in NYC!

I tell you -THAT was a hard one - letting her go to that big, distant city....but she had her heart set on her plan to go to FIT !

Well, it enabled us to see that city - at least one time!


Here we are at Saks!

( Mom & Tam )

Here we are, 'antiqued.'



  1. Oh Junie, what an adorable picture of baby Tammy....with her little rose. Where does the time go Junie? I love that picture of Tammy and look so much alike. It doesn't hurt to have Sarah's music playing in the background on your site either....."I Will Remember You." Perfect! Love, Joy

  2. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your sweet comment!

    You're right- Sarah's song DOES fit this post very well!



  3. those pics were priceless!!!

  4. Baby pictures are always the very best. So sweet. MB

  5. Awwww...Such Sweet photos Miz Junie!!!hughugs

  6. what a sweet baby and she grew into a lovely young woman who looks a lot like her mom.

  7. That is such an adorable picture of your daughter. Isn't it fun to go back and look at those old photos. I did just the same thing this past weekend.

  8. Lovely looking back with you Junie!
    Such a cute baby pic - the rose was a sweet addition.

  9. a fun trip back through time. If you’d like to drop by and see my sepia scene & window views, they are here. thanks!

  10. What an adorable picture. And you are a very brave woman. I don't think I would still be sane after having 2 girls 15 months apart. Mine are 2 years and sometimes I think that was way to close.
    If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

  11. Heidi,

    :) It was fun having 2 little girls so close together...they were often mistaken for twins when they were little. :)

    Thanks for coming by!


  12. Thanks to all you ladies who commented.
    Happy you enjoyed my trip back in time! :)


