Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Computer problems brewing!

Junie Rose to be off line!

I expect I will be off line very soon as my computer problems did not, magically,
fix themselves! They have intensified dramatically the past couple days and today I can not open my emails without crashing - every time I try!!

Well...I am not so naive that I thought for a minute that the problems would go away. It's just that I was at my wit's end in trying to get this Mac fixed...and with no Mac service in this town!
So I decided to try and make out with it for awhile with the occasional crashes...Over time, though, they have gone from occasional to frequent to almost constant...especially with AOL things which are my E-mail and my IM ... and ESSENTIAL for me!)

~~~You may remember my woes of a couple months ago. I had my computer in the shop for 3 weeks-and got it back-STILL- not fixed! It's hard not being able to talk to these people in person to explain things...I had to send the Mac in by family members- to the place in Orlando!~~~

The crashes are not always AOL connected either...as it sometimes happens with the other browsers too...so I can't say it's just an AOL problem.

OK-2 points here I wanted to make...

I have been unable to even open E-mails for most of today so can't reply to any! (I can see them but can't read them!) Just wanted to let that be known- and that I am not ignoring anyone.
Last time I tried today I was able to send an E-mail without crashing...but it seems the opening of E-mails is not possible!

If I suddenly disappear - you will know what's happening...I'm just saying....LOL- warning you..

Have to get down to Orlando...but not sure when we can...this means days to weeks -offline- when this happens! :( and my computer could die completely before I do that anyway!


Oh my! Sorry for this rambling post, but I'm just so dang frustrated!!




  1. Oh dear, it's no wonder you're frustrated, I would be too! It's terrible that you had your computer in the shop for a few weeks and got it back still not fixed. It almost sounds like it should be completely reformatted so that you could start from scratch. I do hope you don't disappear:-( xoxo

  2. I know how frustrating being without a PC can be.
    I hope it gets worked out very soon for you.
    I think that shop needs to do some work for free. :)

  3. Computer problems are the WORST!!! No fun at all, and so frustrating.

    Hope you won't be offline too long!

  4. Junie, sounds like you don't have a Registry Fix program!!! Go download RegFix Mantra...It's about 30.00bucks but you HAVE to clean your registry!!! That's the Main Brain of your computer! Let us know!hughugs

  5. These computers are so annoying when they don't work right! I had mine in twice lately. Both times I lost my favorites. Just when I had everyone back I had to take it in again and - boom - there they went again. Arghhhh!!!

    Hope all is well soon!! I have heard the Mac's are great computers to have???
