Monday, October 26, 2009

Lucy playing dead!

:) ...a silly vid we made a little while ago.

Alli is here , at her home, just for over night. She drove up after a late afternoon class and will be here for an early doctor's appointment- then will have to get back for an exam in one of her classes in the early afternoon tomorrow.

I was very happy she and her mom could come up for a little visit! LOL - so was Lucy!


( Ginga )


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video!!!!!!!!
    Including the "fun facts" about cats in ancient Egypt, and the way Charles says, "Oh!" and stops talking after you tell him the video will be on your blog!!!!!! HA HA HA!! And Lucy is just TOOOO precious!! I love her "smile"! I really really want to come over there and have a turn petting her! :)

  2. Thanks, Skye!

    Oh , come on over! :) Lucy would love it -She's a cat who just LOVES petting and all people- and she especially loves Alli! ") She was like -in a trance- with all the attention she got from Alli.

    HAHA- Yes- we're a silly bunch around here at times!


  3. Now that's what you call being relaxed! lol I'm telling you, I want to be a cat in my next life! hehe I'm so glad you had such a lovely visit with Alli:-) Loved hearing Charles talking about the mummified cats in Egypt! lol xoxo

  4. Pea,

    ;) HAHA-Yep- it was funny seeing Lucy like that! Cats are so unique! Yep- I often say the same thing...that I want to be a cat in my next life! :)

    ;0 I don't realize just how southern/country we sound ( Chas. and I ) until I hear us talk on a video! LOL- Well- 'It is what it is,' use a popular of today!

