Sunday, October 04, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday _Butterfly-so high!


Mellow Yellow Monday is here again!

What's Mellow and Yellow in your life this Monday?

( Go here to find other MYM posts! )


Today I saw this butterfly but it was very high up in this Bottle Brush tree... still... I was able to zoom in and get a pretty good look!

For some reason, there hasn't been as many butterflies around our place this summer as usual. I was thrilled to see this one and it just hung there for several moments as I got my pictures! :)


Of Butterflies

I venture out for photo shots
of butterflies ~ sometimes, for hours.
They so enchant, with their gossamer wings~
flitting there, among the flowers.

The colors range from soft to bold.
Some showy as a fine spring day!
Other’s beauty ~ understated ~
still, frilly as a fine crochet.

Some are swift, not pausing long,
to sample blooms along the way.
Others linger, just hanging there ~
as if their beauty’s on display.

I stand poised in wonderment,
and reach to touch that softness there
~the contact's slight, but oh, so real ~
and know the feel of angel hair!

June Kellum
July 2005


  1. great poem!

    love your mym!

    do come and visit my place anytime!


  2. Golden butterfly,
    your summer days are numbered—
    then where will you be?

    My Mellow Yellow

  3. Butterflies are just beautiful. You are not the first person that said they have not been around this year. I have not seen many either. Seems to be more now than all summer. Maybe, they have their seasons mixed up?? Love the poem.

  4. Very nice of that butterfly to pose. They're not usually so cooperative. Thanks for the poem - nice.

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Pretty butterfly. They were rare here this year too. I fear it was the weather.

  6. June ~ Very cool butterfly! Nice shot! ~ jb///
