Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Mom's fall flowers


My 'Sepia Scenes' post is below this one!


Mom's Fall Flowers

Today my sister and I took some fall flowers out for our dear mom!

It's always an emotional time for us, remembering having to let mom go...almost 7 years ago now!

We both added what we wanted this time. I added the big yellow flowers, the leaves at the base and the little scarecrow guy. Mom would like that. She liked fun things!

This little offering of flowers to her a few times during the year is a small comfort to us.

I like to change the flowers for every season and soon it will be time again for Christmas flowers!

...The seasons seem to go by so fast....

Joy and I were mom's littlest girls! :)
(Joy was the baby...but I was Mom's baby, too!)

We each like to think that we are a lot like our physical appearance-and in our inner make-up as well!

In my opinion- to be like Mom would be the highest honor to achieve!

Mom was LOVE!

Our nephew and grand-niece are here very near Mom.
As you see on the dates, these 2 dear ones followed Mom just a year later! emotion filled day for Joy and me!

However bittersweet this day was for us we managed to enjoy these few hours out together-my sis and I! We had lunch out at this neat restaurant (new for me) then did a little shopping!

I finally found a small black purse that I needed for the up-coming event next weekend ~ the wedding of Joy's son! :)

Have you ever noticed the fine balance of sadness and happiness in this life?

All in His master plan!



...often with bits of extreme aggravation thrown in-LOL- as in computer woes! But that's just minor stuff! Yep-still having those pesky problems! ... Just don't send me any E-mails because I can't open them! ;) ... But I AM still here-doing my blogging thing as usual - and on Face Book!

It'll work out!

Junie Rose


  1. Lovely, lovely flowers, Junie. We don't ever stop missing our moms.

    Hope you get the computer problems straightened out soon. ((((hugs))))

  2. This was a really sweet post Junie...albeit hard for you and Joy today. I think of my mom a lot too...especially during the summer and fall months. I love the picture of you and Joy...and your mom. Love and hugs, Joy

  3. Your mom would be so proud of both of you:-) I know how emotional it can be when visiting the grave of a loved one but it's such a comfort to us as well. When I visit my dad's grave I like to sit there and talk to him:-) Steve once asked me what I'd do if he ever answered me...I said run like heck! LOL Love the flower arrangement you two made for your mom, it's gorgeous.

    Fingers crossed that your computer woes don't continue for too much longer!! xoxo

  4. love all those pics.. yup who couldn't even miss their mothers :)

    mine is up too

  5. It looked indeed like a difficult day for the two of you but well worth the emotions that were released.

  6. Thanks to all of you for your comments!

    I'll visit you soon.


  7. Seeing the flowers you put on your mom's grave made me think of how my sisters and I used to walk in the woods and pick armloads of Tiger Lilies for our mom. She would have half a dozen quart jars filled with them all over the house and acted like she loved it. I can't imagine!
    She has been gone since June 2001. I took flowers to her grave a few times but it's very emotional for me so I haven't gone in quite a while..
    Maybe one day I will feel strong enough again.

    Sister time is wonderful. I'm hoping to have some of that with my two sisters soon.

  8. Mountain Mama

    Thanks for coming by and sharing your memories of your mom and picking the flowers for her with your sisters.

    Nothing pleases a mom more than flowers from her children! :) I always loved that from my kids and grand kids.

    Yes, sister time is always good so I hope you and your sisters can get together again soon.

