Friday, October 30, 2009

Roasting Pumpkin Seeds!

Roasting Pumpkin Seeds

By: Allrecipes Staff

~~Visit this site for more interesting info and recipes!~~


From the site:

When you're carving your Halloween pumpkins, don't throw away the seeds!

Roasted pumpkin seeds have a nutty flavor and are packed with protein and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are delicious toasted and salted, but they're even better flavored with sweet and savory spices.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

  1. Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp and strings. (This is easiest just after you've removed the seeds from the pumpkin, before the pulp has dried.)
  2. Place the pumpkin seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet, stirring to coat. If you prefer, omit the oil and coat with non-stick cooking spray.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 325 degrees F until toasted, about 25 minutes, checking and stirring after 10 minutes.
  4. Let cool and store in an air-tight container.


Ok-I admit I have never, in my long life, roasted pumpkin seeds-although I carve pumpkins for Halloween every year!

Thanks to our blog friend Pea I'm gonna try them this time!
(visit Pea-she's on my side bar.)

I found this cool site that tells how to roast the seeds - and a whole lot more! Check it out! (at top of this post)

BTW~ I just carved 2 pumpkins...the other 2 may not get carved!! :) It's quite a task for an old, tired lady! :( Well, at least I have 2! I'll make pics of them lighted, later tonight!

Will let you know how the pumpkin seed roasting goes, too!

Junie Rose


  1. I'm gonna roast some seeds!! I love pumpkin seeds, and there's no reason to toss them. Taylor will be carving our pumpkins. Who knows what designs he'll come up with??
    Happy Halloween Weekend!!!
    I don't have a new blog post up, but I hope to have one up sometime this weekend. Enjoy some candy! I will too.

  2. Hi JD,

    Good to hear from you again!

    LOL-I bet Taylor will come up with some cool ideas for your pumpkins!

    I just did 2 of my 4- and I guess that's all I will do...Ran out of steam here!

    Oh yah! I'll be sure to eat some candy! haha!

    Happy Halloween too you!


  3. Funny you should bring this up. We got an 'emergency' call from one of our kids who were wanting to roast some for our grandkids. I need to sent them the link.
    Your hubby may like my last post about my old tractor.
