Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sepia Scenes ~ Oct 14, 2009 ~ Cow Bells


*Go here to find other Sepia Scenes around the world!*


This is a wind chime made of old cow bells!
My husband has a collection of a lot of old relics, (farm implements and all sorts of odds and ends) displayed on a fence at our place!

I like looking at all of them!



  1. Ooooh I just love that windchime and how perfect it looks in the sepia colour. I think it's so cool the way Charles collects all these old things and displays them on a fence!! xoxo

  2. Oh Junie, those bells must make a lovely sound! And congrats to you for winning the Ruby Tuesday giveaway! Don't forget to send me your snail mail! :)

  3. Junie, you won't miss out on your prize... but I will erase you home address as soon as I copy it! :)

  4. Thanks, Mary,

    I was hoping you'd do that ( erase my address)...but I didn't know how else to handle it!

    Now I can relax! :)

    Have a great day!


  5. Junie, on the second line of your address it says "St.Rd." Should it be that way?

  6. Yes- it's 'Street' - ' Road!'

    That's always confusing to folks! :)


  7. Junie, your Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much Blocks are coming from Classics and Country Home Decor by UPS by Priority mail (not sure - 3-5 days?) Hope you like them! :)

  8. Congrats on the win!
    These old cow bells are terrific in sepia!

  9. Thanks, Carletta! :) you know we like the old things!!

    Oh yah-looking forward to Maary's gift...just my kind of thing!!


  10. Congrats! What an excellent win!

    These cow bells are nice in sepia!

  11. The brass cowbells are perfect in sepia! On a breezy day, the sound this chime makes is unlike the usual tubular chimes: these will make a solid sound, not subtle I'd guess.

    Congrats on the prize!

  12. Thanks, all of you...

    It takes a good breeze to make these bells chime.

    :) But I DO like they way they look-just hanging there!


  13. Oh, Junie I love it!! That is so very, very neat!

    This post reminds me of my mom; after she got so sick, and I moved in with her, she kept a cow bell next to her bed in case she needed me during the night (or day). :)

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Now that's creative & artistic! Looks great in sepia, too!

    Happy week

  15. I agree with Tricia--I love the old cowbells and would certainly like to hear them clapping in the wind. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

  16. Very fun use for old farm finds! I love the idea of turning cow bells into a wind chime!
    And it looks so natural in sepia. Great find for this week.
    If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
