Monday, October 19, 2009

Wedding Reception ~ Alan and Lauren (for family)

On to the reception!

The wedding reception was held at The Tower Club in Pompano Beach - with Cocktail & Hors D'Oeuvres served at 6:00 - dinner served at 7:00 - music & dancing until 11:00.

I believe this reception hall was chosen, at least in part, for the breath taking view from this 28th floor of The Tower Club building. As night approached and the city and traffic lights came on and began to twinkle, it was, indeed, a magical scene. Walls of glass gave the guests an enchanted view of lights- in whatever direction one might chance to look - across the city streets to the water's edge! Beautiful!

The food served was excellent - and the music was varied and almost continuous and also excellent! Much of the music had a Latin flavor to it-very happy and lively music! I didn't recognize a lot of these tunes but I liked the sound and rhythm of all of it!

Lot's of dancing was done- and -YES-even by me! ;) I did a fast dance with Allison, my granddaughter! I think I shocked and scared all the family with that! Haha! But-Hey-I intended to have fun at my nephew's wedding-and I did just that! :)

Some Beatles songs were played and the bride and groom danced to 'In My Life.' I found that very cool since I had just recently been doing a lot of Beatles listening , myself!
( Ooops- no , it was the bride and her father who danced to the Beatles song! )
The bride and groom's song was an Otis Redding song, I believe! (Title-?? I can't recall)
Some of 'Used Blues Band' was also played! (the band that Alan is a (BIG) part of) I loved hearing that! :)

Everyone seemed to enjoy this celebration immensely-I know I certainly did! Charles and I agreed we had never attended a more fun wedding reception party!

Some pictures to follow:

( click on pics to enlarge )


I was very happy to see my nephew Jeff and his kids my niece Chey and my nephews, Britton and Rhys! I don't get to see them often because they live in Pa.

A wonderful time was had by all!

Love and best wishes to Alan and Lauren!



  1. Congratulations to the newlyweds:-) I so enjoyed looking at all the pictures, I enlarged them all so that I could see every detail!! hehe Everything looked beautiful and I'm so glad you & Charles had such a fun time. xoxo

  2. Lovely pictures. It did look like a great time was had by all.
