Thursday, November 12, 2009

Limericks for Thanksgiving

Limericks for Thanksgiving

The turkey is stuffed and is browning!

The pies with sweet cream get their crowning!

The potatoes are whipped

with parsley fresh snipped!

Not one of our faces are frowning!


The cranberry sauce we did open,

this long held tradition-unbroken.

Our plates we hold ready!

The aroma is heady!

Our thanks for this meal have been spoken!

June Kellum

Nov. 2007


  1. Perfect limericks, dear Junie!! I remember having to do limericks in class and having such a hard time doing them. lol xoxo

  2. Awwww, that is SO cute, Junie!!

    We're not having turkey this year (WAHHHHH), but that's okay, a few of us will be together and that's what counts. I'll miss that turkey sandwich on Thanksgiving night though. :)

  3. Pea,

    I did those for a meme- response here on the blog...:) It was kinds fun to do!

  4. Sally,

    I 'll probably do a BIG one-Haven't bought it yet. It's my favorite meal...turkey and dressing!


  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Great limerick! Happy Friday the 13th to you. I hope it is a lucky day. Have a good weekend, too.

  6. Great words that bring not only memories but anticipation of what is soon to be gracing our table.

    Here is hoping that this Friday the 13th will bring some happy news to help ease the troubles everyone is experiencing these days.

  7. Thanks, Mary!

    Best to you and yours on this day!


  8. Thanks- Southernlady, Judy!

    Sure hoping this day adds no more troubles here!


  9. Now...I love that Junie. You know I'm going to love those limericks. How perfect for our holiday coming up. And what a yummy surprise when I clicked on over here to see your header and that gorgeous, yummy turkey. If that doesn't get everyone primed for the big T-Day....nothing will. I can only imagine what your house will be like on Thanksgiving....and I know you will have a wonderful one sweetie. Love, Joy

  10. These are cute Junie!
    When I read your writing I always think I should get back to my own writing but I never do - too much blogging. LOL!

  11. Thanks for reading,


    Most of the poems I post these days are not new.
    These were little quick things I did for a meme post of a blogger a couple years ago.

    Lol- as with you...blogging keeps me busy! The picture memes are time consuming, but fun,aren't they!!


  12. Thanks Joy,

    Have to say 'We do turkey right at our place!' :)

