Sunday, November 22, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ Nov 22, 2009 (and my Grands)

It's time for

*Go here* to find other shadow posts!


At the top of my stairs is this picture of my grandparents_my Mom's mother and father.

'Big Pop' I knew and loved all my life, and he lived to a very old age . My grandmother,'Biggie,' passed away when I was only age 2 so I had no memories of her...but I loved her and felt I knew her through my Mom's memories and stories of her.

This was my mom's picture of her parents and I'm so happy that I have it now.

I like the way the shadow of the curtains looks on the wall by my old family picture.

Speaking of family...we had Tina and her family here for dinner last night!

It was an unplanned visit but luckily I had made a big pot of chili so we did ok! :) I also made white rice and had cheese to top it off! It was good!!

I got this picture of my 3 'Fahey' grands. I'm always happy to see them all together-these 3 siblings...but wished their cousin Zach was here too!

(I'm always missing someone...but that's life!)

Happy Sunday to you all!



  1. Lovely shadow shot....and you have a lovely family. I know what you mean. :)

  2. I find it interesting to see old photos on the wall in old frames.

  3. In the old photo
    elders stand close together
    but they do not touch.

    My Shadow Shot

  4. What a perfect spot for that old family picture's got such a nice ambiance in the shadows. I love it.

    I also love the pic of your least the Fahey clan....Gosh they are a good looking trio....and such great kids too. You and Charles are very blessed sweetie....Happy Thanksgiving. Have a most wonderful and loving holiday. Love, Joy
