Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Celebration!


The wedding party turned out to be a lot of fun for everyone.
The weather was nice, even though it had rained the day before and looked as if it might continue. It was on the cool side but very fitting for mid-December!

We managed to have the house spruced up and decorated festively! I like to use a lot of live plants and this turned out well for this party!

Here is the cake table and some flowers!

Charles did the meat cooking on the BBQ grills on our patio and everything was perfect. He cooked at least 3 times what was really needed for our 30-something guests! He always does that! :) He prepared ribs and chickens!

We also had many side dishes which I had made, with help from my sis and the girls!

Our new 'Joy' made some very tasty Filipino dishes!
(Yes - even for her own wedding celebration! There's no stopping this girl!)

Here are some pics of our day! It was good! :)


( All of these are from the wedding day and the party- except the one of my daughter, Tammy and her husband, Terry! Somehow I failed to get Terry in the party pics so wanted to be sure to include him! :) ...well- that's the way of 'Ginga,' you know!.... Sadly-two of my guys were unable to be here - my grandson Brian and SIL, Marc!)

I wish my son and his wife the very best !!


AKA ~ Junie Rose


  1. Love all the pics! Looks like it was a super day for all of you. Who made those cakes? They are beautifully done!!

  2. How very wonderful! Thanks for sharing such a special day, Junie. :)

  3. Congrats to Joy and Chris!!
    I am so happy for them, and I wish them many wonderful years of wedded bliss.
    Your home decor looked festive and warm. What a great celebration!!!

    I am sprinkling you right this moment with magic fairy dust. This ensures you a MERRY Christmas!! I pray you have a healthy 2010.
    God bless you all this holiday season!! I know your family just loves you Junie. You make every holiday special.
