Saturday, January 23, 2010

Camera Critters _ Transparency_ Jan 23, 2010


* Click here to find others.*


I found this dead dragonfly on my back porch. I thought at first that my new kitten had caught it and was responsible for it's end...but after a closer look I found it was not tattered or torn but in perfect physical shape! I suppose it had simply reached the end of it's natural life span.

It's bigger than most Dragonflies that I have seen and quite beautiful! The wings are frilly and perfect and the body and head are a brilliant green in color.

I picked it up that day and, not wanting to discard something so pretty, put it aside in my laundry room on a shelf.

That was a couple months ago...It caught my eye again today and I took it down and made the picture. As you see, it is still very beautiful to look at!

(Or is it just me who thinks so!! :) )



  1. They are beautiful critters ...

  2. I just love dragonflies, nice capture a shame though it died so it´s coulourfulness disseaperd.

  3. Dragonflies are beautiful. I have a similar photo in my files of one we found on our lanai.

    My CC

  4. Still looks pretty.

    My Camera Critters entry

  5. THis critter is so delicate!
    Great post!
    Happy Camera Critters
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  6. Nice tribute to it!

    I played too :)

  7. Beautifully preserved dragonfly! And, a very nice capture on your part.

  8. The dragonflies wont have a chance in these parts for about 6 mnoths. Too cold,
    I don't share your view of their beauty.

  9. Hi Cliff,

    :) You don't find them beautiful- at all??

    ...Hope your snowy winter doesn't drag on and on....


  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Dragons are beautiful creatures and I love to photograph them...Michelle

  11. Got dehydrated probably, poor little thing..

    Please take a peek at the Mocking Bird at my page.

  12. So pretty even if it is a bug! :)

  13. THey are pretty. We have lots of them here, all colore too. My grandma Banks told us they would swe our mouth shut,so as a child I was afraid of them. She had lots of superstitions.

  14. I can't get over how well preserved it still is, even after a couple of months of sitting on your shelf! You know me and any kind of insects...yes, some are beautiful to look at but I don't want them near me! lol That's the good thing about our winter months here, no bugs! hehe xoxo

  15. What a lucky find, it is beautiful. I have a glass box that keep things like that in, if I find bird feathers, dead butterflies, my grandson calls it Grandma's nature jar.

  16. Iowa Gardening Woman

    Oh yes!! I save all those kinds of things too! :) I even have a scorpion that my husband found dead and dried up! LOL I love finding things of nature like that. I also have some butterflies... When my oldest grandson was a tot we'd go walking , looking for what we called our 'treasures!'

    Thanks for coming by and commenting!


  17. It must be special Junie to sit on your shelf without decaying!
    I love the little garden dragons.
    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  18. That dragonfly really is beautiful Junie...amazing how it stayed so perfectly preserved. ~Joy
