Thursday, January 07, 2010

My OJ operation


It has happened again! Just when I was getting into enjoying the Honey Bells ( and the other oranges) and actually having time to do-up jugs of juice...(Yep... you got it! ) we get some nights of freezing temps and lose the fruit to the elements!

These oranges (especially the Honey Bells) were a little later ripening this time for some reason, and were just very recently ready to use! I did some juice just after Christmas and a couple more times and - that's it! :( Now- with 3 straight nights of temps in the mid 20s - I think the fruit must be ruined! :(

~~~To be honest, I will admit we
did enjoy a LOT of the tangerines - from Thanksgiving on, right through Christmas! They were delicious and sooo easy to peel and eat...a real treat!~~~

I did some juice today with some of the fruit we picked just before this spell of freezes hit us!
These pics I'm posting are from an earlier juice operation, however...just after Christmas!

WILL NOT agonize over my lost Honey Bells...even though they make the best juice in all the world !

It is what it is!

Junie Rose


  1. I saw on the news last night about the temps down there. We've had a week of temps under 30.
    I love orange juice and these pics make me thirsty for some fresh squeezed!
    Hope it warms up for you soon.

  2. Awwww, Junie Rose, so sorry about the lost oranges~that's sad!! It looks SO good in the pictures; you're amazing! ((hugs))
