Saturday, February 20, 2010

Camera Critters~Feb 20, 2010



Go *here* to find other CC posts!


The Robins are back for their brief late winter visit
at our place here in north Florida!

( click on pics to enlarge )



  1. Where do they come from to get to northern Florida?

  2. AC,

    I don't know where they come from before stopping here but we only see them for a short time here and not even every year. Last year I didn't see any. You notice them because they are in flocks and they are usually on the ground looking for bugs to eat! You seldom see just one bird.

  3. What a beautiful sight to see! I am on the lookout here!!!

  4. Great pictures, Junie! We won't be seeing the robins over here until at least the end of April or early May. When we do see one here then we know that Spring has arrived:-) xoxo

  5. I love them
    they mean spring :)

  6. Maybe they are finally on their way here. :)
    We had already seen them back by this time last year but the winter has been so much worse. I keep watching.
    Mine’s here: Carletta’s Captures.
