Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Come And Be My Valentine

Oh! Come and be My Valentine
and give your love to me.
Those words I’ve waited, long, to say
are wanting to be free!

Let’s put away our doubts and fears
and trust our hearts to know,

the way our lives were meant to be;
and how our love should grow.

Come hear the song that’s in my heart
that’s playing just for you.
No sweeter music could you know,
nor words, so pure and true.

Come with me, and be my love,
with all my life to share-
packed with hugs, and kisses -sweet-
this love, beyond compare!

Oh! Come and be My Valentine
and give your heart to me!
Together, we’ll declare our love,
for all the world to see.

June Kellum ~ 2008


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Miz Junie!

  2. What a sweet poem!!
    I hope you had a memorable Valentines Day.

  3. Thanks, ladies-Yes-a wonderful V day for us!

  4. Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to you too, dear friend. Love that poem, you are such a talented poet:-) xoxo

  5. Thanks, Pea! Happy you like the poem.
