Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Robins are still here!


Oh, the Robins are still I guess you folks further north are not approaching Spring just yet! The Robins know when it's time to go! :)

They don't nest here but just stop for a spell as they are passing through! I saw some today-still searching out our grounds here for bugs and worms! They are almost always on the ground when they are viewed!

I've been concerned for their safety, knowing the fierce hunting nature of my Lucy cat, but so far have seen no evidence of any wrong doing toward the Robins by my kitty!

Today was another really nice day, although it's still pretty enough to still need to wear long sleeves! :)

I went to do some shopping and enjoyed the ride over and back
(if not the actual shopping!! :) )
The early spring blossoms are nearing full bloom...the flowering trees that I love to see! Red Buds and wild plums are in bloom (as shown in my previous posts) and soon to follow will be the Dogwoods and the Azaleas!
The Azaleas are always a spectacular sight to see, here in north Florida!
(My header is from last year...not surprising, our blooms are a little later this time)

On Friday we are expecting company for a few days, so after tomorrow I won't be online very much. But I DO hope I can check in a few times during the next few days.

My sister and brother-in-law are coming from NC on Friday...and then on Sunday, my brother and Sister-in-law are coming from Alabama! They will split the time spent here between my sister Joy and me! We're all looking forward to seeing each other and spending some time together...and also with my other sister in Lake Placid! It's not often that the 5 of us get together!
(me, my 3 sisters and 1 brother)

Have a good night!



  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

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  2. I'm not so sure about the brain power of robins as I've often seen them huddling in the last few snowstorms around here. There aren't many worms to be had in snowstorms. However, I do look forward to seeing some in the next month or so.

  3. Awwww, Junie, that's so wonderful; have a great time with all the family!! (((hugs)))

    Still cool here also~Spring hurry up!! :)

  4. It was sunny here today but still cool. Sure was nice to see the sunshine though!

    Have a wonderful time with your family!! It's great when everyone can get together!! Enjoy!!

  5. I live in southeastern PA and for many, many years now we have had robins here all winter long. I guess they are too lazy to leave.

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  7. Cheyenne,

    Have heard that some Robins DO stay north for the winter.

    The ones we see here are definitely travelers as they are not here very long.

    Hopefully, we ALL will soon have spring and lots of birds!


    8:33 AM

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  9. Thanks to all for your visits. I'll get to your blogs soon.


  10. Well darn it, send those robins over here already! lol Actually we`ve been having nothing but sunny skies and above normal temps this past week and you should see all the grass we can see now, NOT something we usually see in March. I noticed the other day that the Mourning Doves are already starting to build their nests. Don't they realize it`s only March??? lol

    Enjoy your company, I look forward to hearing about their visit and seeing some pictures after they`re gone:-) xoxo

  11. I just mentioned to my Mom last week about your previous post on the robins. She lives an hour away and saw some but I have yet to see one. The snow is gone and we are expecting warm temps for the next week.
    I'm keeping my eyes open. :)
    Have a wonderful get together with your family. Look forward to the pics I know you'll share!
