Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Sepia Scenes~ April7, 2010` back in time...


Visit *Mary* to find other SS posts!


This is going way back to the early 70's ( Miami,Fl ) and remembering a very sweet cat who I loved a lot! His name was 'Kanukki !'

We got him from a couple of Nuns who had to give him up because they were moving . They had named him and if I ever knew the meaning or origin of his name I have long since forgotten!
(Does anyone know this name?)

'Nukki' had some health problems and we knew he'd not be with us long...but he was a joy to have in our lives for awhile! He was so very beautiful...and I still remember the sound of his purring and his loving nature!

Junie ( old memories)


  1. Aw, Kanukki must have been a wonderful kitty if you can still remember the sound of his purring.

    Sweet post.

  2. Hi Patti,

    Yes, he was very special...His purr would begin at our slightest touch :)- like pushing a button to turn something on! :)

    Hope you're having a fine spring day!


  3. Some animals are so sweet we remember them forever. Nukki looks precious!

  4. I do think each pet we have leaves a special spot in our hearts and memories!

    I did not know this Neil Young song until my visit here yesterday. I just love it Junie - thanks for introducing me. :)

  5. I love this sepia post!

  6. Beloved pets from our past will never be forgotten:-) "Kanukki" is such a beautiful name and fitting for such a lovely kitty. I found this about the name:


    1. (colloquial) A Canuck, Canadian.

    Lol, I wonder if that's why the nuns called him that, he was really Canadian? hehe xoxo

  7. Carletta,

    Yes, you're right about the animals- at least it's that way with me. Each had a special place in my heart-and I still remember dogs or cats I had all through my life-and still feel the loss of them!

    So glad you've enjoyed the Neil Young song. It's a beautiful one! I like a lot of his music...

  8. Thanks to all for your comments! I'll visit you soon.


  9. What a great photo, i love it :)

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Hi Junie, Great photo. I love the sepia tones.

  11. Junie thank you for sharing your memories with us! :)
