Monday, April 26, 2010

Update on my husband:

Last night my daughter and I took Charles to the Emergency Room because of severe pain.
It was determined there are no broken ribs but he has developed Pneumonia.

He was admitted. of course. (after long hours in emergency)

I have to get back to the hospital now .



  1. I just commented on F/B, but also remember to take care of you, Junie. (((hugs&prayers)))

  2. Oh dear. Did the cow actually step on him. I am not clear on that. All the best. Hugs.

  3. Goodness...Hang in there!!!

  4. Oh cripes Junie...I don't come by for two or three days and look what I find. I went back and read your posts, so I know what's been happening. I hope Charles is comfortable and doing better sweetie. He'll get just what he don't worry...he'll be just fine. Big hugs to both of you. Love, Joy

  5. Junie my thoughts are with you and Charles. Every thing will be fine I'm sure. Take Care

  6. I read your update on Facebook as well, dear Junie, and please know that my thoughts and prayers are with Charles. What a way to spend your anniversary but at least he's in the right place and being taken care of. No doubt he's anxious to go back home, though, and get your TLC:-) xoxo

  7. Oh Junie, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I do hope that he gets well soon. I'll be thinking of the two of you and keeping Charles in my prayers.

    Someone was telling me the other day that a man they know got kicked by a cow and she knocked him over a bank. Is this the "mad cow" season or what??

  8. AC,
    No, the cow didn't step on him- but knocked him over and he fell over a bale of hay onto the metal trailer.

    He's much better today and maybe will be home tomorrow.

  9. Thanks to all for your comments and concern for us.

    I think he'll soon be fine and back home.

    LOL- Yes, Rachel- sure seems like it the 'Mad Cow ' season, doesn't it!!

