Sunday, May 16, 2010

Camera Critters (for May 15, 2010)

Update at bottom of post:

It's time for our Camera-Critters posts.
Sorry, I am a day late- but I DO have a critter to show you!

*Go here* for more CC posts!


I saw this unusual bug on my flowers in my front garden today! I have seen others of these, recently. They look kind of fierce and strange so I didn't venture too close-since I knew nothing about this fellow! I was able to get close enough to get some pictures, though!

Does anyone know the name of this critter? I was unsuccessful in finding any info about this one in my searches!

( click on pics to enlarge )



'Assassin Bug'

This seems to be my mystery bug; though I'm not 100% convinced as there are many types of this bug!

( maybe someone can tell me for certain-lol-I really wanna know!)

From what I have read this is a beneficial bug in the garden as it dines on other bugs-not your plants!
( ...but- hey-I don't know for sure as there's a lot of info to sort out...)


  1. Maybe Daddy Long Legs, but perhaps not the spider kind; (non venom).

    Oh heck, what do I know? I googled. hahahaha

  2. I don't Know!! But it Sure is eating up that Cosmos!!

  3. He's a little creepy Junie; but what great shots you got of him!

  4. I have no idea what that creepy little guy is -- but you sure got some good shots of him! Very cool!!
