Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Early May Days~~~

This week has started off slow for me. Can't seem to do the things I need to and want to...like really getting into that gardening project.

Oh, not to say that I haven't done stuff- just not enough to make things really look the way I'd like! I DID do some trimming this week already-and fertilized a lot of my roses last week- so that should count for something! Oh well, you do what you can...it is what it is!

Yesterday I took a little walk into the meadow by our house. Our Phlox (pink wildflowers) are not as abundant as in some years past but still I like the wild, ungroomed look of the meadow with the wildflowers growing any which way they choose; or rather the way God intended!

My old boy, 'Tiger' follows me, when ever I'm outside. Here he is coming to greet me in the meadow!

(a sweet, sweet cat!)

Here are some country scenes around our place...some meadow flowers and some of the cows in the pasture!

Oh! We have a new baby too.
Joy-(D -I-L) -named her 'Star!'

(Ashley and Star )

Charles is still mad at 'Cloud,'the pretty brown and white cow- she's the one who caused the accident.

( Cloud )

Notice the horns... She ran into one of the other cows...
who in turn, tried to avoid getting gored by the horns in her side-and in her haste to get out of danger-ran right into and over C.; knocking him down.

Charles is still suffering from pain in the rib area but it hasn't slowed him down that much. He's like that pink bunny in the TV ad- the one that keeps going and going...

Well, the end of our week will be eventful if all goes as planned. ..

On Saturday C. and I are invited out to our friends' place- way out at Hernando- for their annual Chili cook- off party!

All the guests bring a pot of their own chili and they have judges to pick the best chili! LOL-NO-I have never won the prize! (although my chili is the best! haha)

Anyway, it's fun for everyone. They usually have some local entertainment/music.

Then on Sunday, of course, we will have Mother's Day here- Our daughters and our grandkids will be here-and my D-I-L, Joy- but not my son, Chris; he's scheduled to work!- Both my S-I-L's are away at this time.

I think the plan is to combine my birthday AND Mother's Day into one celebration! Lol- no one has really told me yet so I don't know what's happening. For once I think I'll just let things happen as they will. (which means- let someone else do the planning and preparing!!) lol-

Tomorrow's actually my B'day so maybe someone will take me out to dinner....or something!!

What will be, will be!

Junie Rose


  1. Junie! You live surrounded by such beauty! No wonder you love it so.

    I hope "someone" takes you out to dinner tonight for your birthday. :)

    And, that the weekend is wonderful for all of you. (((hugs)))

  2. Junie, your kittie looks just like our Bubba.... She likes walking around with me when I am outside weeding in the garden.... Must be kin.

    I Know someone took you to supper!!
    Hope you're having FUN!!!

  4. Thanks,

    and Sally,

    Had a very nice-low-key birthday!

    Will have more of the family together this weekend!

    OH- We DID have a nice lunch out at Ruby Tuesday today!


  5. I like the wild, ungroomed look too -- as well as the other photos.
