Thursday, May 13, 2010

Relics (Post #2 of today)....a repeat

Relics (Post #2 of today)....a repeat


Tonight I have been looking through some of my old posts and came across this one. I thought I would post it again as it fits my melancholy mood of tonight!

Look at the date of this...almost 2 years ago...
(and I'm still often feeling 'blue!') I guess some things never change.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Relics: |ˈrelik|
an object surviving from an earlier time, esp. one of historical or sentimental interest.


I have a lot of those around this old place. Mostly, they are of the sentimental variety.

Even though my grandkids are grown-up and the days of them being here and playing their games and carrying out their adventures are long gone, I still, occasionally, unearth a
toy car or a super hero guy; sometimes just a leg or a wheel! ;) These little things I can never bear to just toss aside, so most end up in a box or jar to join other little found objects saved through the years. Sometimes I go through these things that are tucked, here and there, in my cluttered house. Sometimes I'm tempted to make a clean sweep and do some serious de-cluttering, but I never quite make it! I don't think I ever could.

Oh! Many things were saved, outright, of the growing up years of my 4 grands- and also of my 3 kids! I have stuff neatly packed away of all of the kids. I have always been a sentimental person and it was just a part of me to hold on to bits and pieces of our past.

Also- you must understand -our grands practically grew up on this ole farm. Our 3 locals were 'under our care' most of the time and our grandson who didn't live in our town was here as much as was possible; summers, school holidays etc.

Those were the best of times for me!

The memories make me happy and sad at the same time!

...But these things of which I speak today are the leftovers! These are things that remained, in spite of the years passing and the lack of any effort to keep them! I'm glad they are still here.

Here is the playhouse that Charles built for the grandkids. It has a slide off one side of the porch. (shown in a pic below)

The Radio Flyer Wagon was Zach's -a Christmas gift when he was very little. I remember him being pulled through the house in that wagon on Christmas
morning by his 2 older cousins, Dan and Brian.

And the pink bike , of course, was Alli's; probably her first bike!

The others were probably what my big boys learned to ride with!

I remember how proud each kid was to master riding a bike!

That's a special time for kids, isn't it!


This is a picture of Charles and his bike when he was about 11 or 12 years old!

The story of JAKE and this bike (in 7 parts) can be found here!
After clicking , scroll down to find the Jake stories.

('Farm Life of the Past '- some stories of my husband's growing up years in Alabama)

I never had a bike as a child.

But that's ok -I was more of a paper dolls kind of little girl! :)


At 2:06 PM , Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Those are wonderful and picturesque relics.

At 2:39 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, AC,

I think you might enjoy the old farm stories if you have time to search them out! :)

I appreciate your visiting. :)


At 3:44 PM , Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I'm very sentimental too. My kids think it's silly that I gather things and keep them to put in scrapbooks, but they sure enjoy going back and looking at all the scrapbooks and photos.
I know that feeling you write of that is between happy and sad. You really miss those times when your kids and grandkids were little. I miss having little ones around too.

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Fred said...

The playhouse (or fort for a guy) is priceless. I built one for my girls when they were younger, but it was more of a sterile swing set. Yours has character.

The Missus loves to save things. When the girls start college, she plans on giving most of the stuff to them.

I'm looking forward to the days when I have grandchildren at my house.

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Dianne said...

a really touching post :)

I love the rusted yet proud bikes -I love old stuff.

At 7:22 PM , Blogger Joy Des Jardins said...

Oh my gosh....what a great, great playhouse. That is the ideal place for kids to spend their days. I would have loved it as a child. The bikes and the really do have some wonderful relics at your place Junie. I do as well... but mostly toys and games. I love that picture of you....

At 7:57 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Jamie Dawn,

But your kids don't yet have kids! :) Things change when you have kids and then grandkids...

Well, I guess ALL people are not that way.

I sometimes wish I wasn't so sentimental...but I guess there's no changing things at this late date !

At 8:03 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Fred,

Yes- it is a pretty neat little house! :) I was proud of the job my husband did with this.

Fred, you have some fun times ahead with Grandkids! :) I can tell from reading your blog that you are a very devoted dad...Being a grandparent is even better - in some ways! I think it's because you're not totally responsible for them! :) Tho there have been times when we felt like we were! :)


At 8:10 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Joy,

Yep, the playhouse is special...Well, it WAS special, but hasn't been in use for a long time now.

And I like having reminders of the kids childhoods still around. (these are not things that I saved but that just survived in spite of all! :) I DO have a lot of things, packed away, too.

HAHA-That picture is ok....unless you enlarge it! I needed to resize it-

Oh well- I thought it fit with my post so I used it!

Thanks for coming over, Joy.


At 8:11 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Dianne,

Thanks for coming and reading my post today. I appreciate it.


At 8:58 PM , Blogger Donna said...

.....I almost didn't make it through this post Miz Junie...It made me cry...because it's SO TRUE!!!...bits and pieces...Sentimental and Proud of it..LOL...night, little love...hughugs

At 10:06 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

All those wonderful memories! I love the playhouse!! I never had one so fancy, but that would have been a blast!!

At 10:58 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Dear Donna,

Well, I would have guessed your feelings would be similar to mine, about your kids and Grands!

:) But I am sorry I almost made you cry, Dear Donna.

Hope you're having a great day !



At 10:59 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Dear Rachel,

:) Yah- I would have loved that as a kid.

Thanks for coming over, Rachel.


At 11:01 AM , Blogger Donna said...

LOLHahaha...not ALMOST...DID!!! Like a Big Baby!!!LOLOL....I Needed It!!! Love You!!hughugs

At 11:05 AM , Blogger Lilli & Nevada said...

would love to have that playhouse,always good to remember things back when with loving thoughts.

At 11:19 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

L &N,

:) Yah - a cool playhouse!

I have lots of good memories although I'm sure there were some trying times taking care of 2 (and often 3) rough little boys-and on up until they got to be pretty big boys- Plus our infant granddaughter until she was school age!...but - it's funny with kids and grands- it's the good times you hold on to. The rest (if there actually WERE any stressful times)just fades away! :)

Thanks for coming over.


At 2:21 PM , Blogger PEA said...

Oh Junie, I'm so loving it that you still have those bikes, wagons, even the playhouse!! I can imagine the memories each one of them brings back:-) Makes you realize, though, just how fast the years are going by!! Look at Charles as a young boy...what a precious picture!! xoxo

At 10:25 PM , Blogger Sally said...

Oh my, this really is a sweet, sweet post, Junie girl!! Some things are just too special to let go. Love the pictures!!

I can't remember having a bike either. The only real memory was a doll; her name was Sparkle Plenty and she travelled all over the U.S. with us when Dad was in the Navy. Awww, I wish I still had her!!


  1. I remember it...and I STILL could cry!!

  2. Awwww, Junie, this is one post I could read over and over!! So sweet. (((hugs)))

  3. I remember this post Junie...and I love it as much now as when you first wrote it. Just love those pictures. Happy weekend sweetie...Love, Joy

  4. Junie, to see my son in an aisle in Home Depot and wonder who that silver haired man is was the moment that started a few days of memories flooding back of when Wes was little. Moments of sadness and being proud of him also. We are melancholy old women aren't we! But that is OK!!

  5. I know exactly where your heart is and the blue feeling that comes - I've been there.
    I love you have these bits and pieces of the past placed around. I think it is wonderful. It was hard leaving the house the kids grew up in when we retired. The tree house and swing set had to stay. The little red wagon is on the porch of my little shed though.
    Mary says melancholy old women - I'm right there with you both. :)

  6. Thanks ladies!

    It's good to know I'm not alone and that we all experience similar feelings.


