Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day wishes!


Happy Father's Day to all you dads and granddads out there-and hope all had happy times celebrating being together with families!

We had a very good day here although missed all the ones who couldn't be here with us. However, Charles (our dad and granddad of this family-and my husband) had calls and nice conversations with the kids who couldn't be here!
(The ones not able to be here -Tam and Zach-Terry and Marc!)

We were a small group for the main meal but Ohhh-what a meal! :)
And I guess the best part was the fresh corn-on-the cob from the garden!
I also made cubed steak and potato salad and cole slaw- and hamburgers on the grill and Joy made some yummy desserts for us!

Here are some pics of the ones who were here...
Tina, Alli, Brian, Joy, Charles and me- oh-and 'Cooper!'

Dan had to work early and Chris had to work late (so had to sleep) so they had to eat on the run-either coming or going! :) But we at least got to be with them a little while!

Charles said he had a wonderful day - and I think we all did!

Junie Rose


  1. I'm glad you guys had a great day. We did too - we went to the beach!

    My favorite of these pictures are the ones of you snuggling with Cooper! SO sweet... :)

  2. Thanks,Dear Skye!

    I'm happy you all had a nice day too! A day at the beach sounds great! :)



  3. Aw Junie...what a nice day...even with people eating on the run. I love the pictures of all of you...and Cooper is too adorable. ~Joy

  4. It does indeed sound like Charles had a wonderful Father's Day:-) Always love seeing pictures from your get together, such a happy and beautiful family you have. xoxo
