Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ruby Tuesday~June 15,2010 ~ A dog's life~




Find other Ruby Tuesday posts *here!*


It's time again to share all things Ruby Red in our lives!


This is 'Alli's 'Cooper,'... living a doggie's life!

Alli told me this was the pup's first reaction after she presented him with his new bed! :)

Now, someone please tell me...HOW did that little guy know just what to do with that nice new and soft bed?

Maybe he's thinking of the Beatles song that goes..."It's been a hard day's night-and I've been working like a dog!" Maybe little Coop is just practicing-in anticipation of those hard day's, nights ahead!

Whatever~ I think he's got it down pat! :)


BTW-A friend told me when I say-Alli's Cooper it sounds like I'm calling the pup - 'Alice Cooper!'

I think not! One Alice Cooper is quite enough in this life
~ don't you think !

Junie Rose


  1. Awwwww look at him in his little bed! Yup, he knows exactly what it's for. lol I was thinking about Alice Cooper as well when I read "Alli's Cooper"! hehe xoxo

  2. :)
    HAHA-Pea-I had never made the connection!!(the pup's name)
    (DUH!! but I'm Ginga! haha)


  3. YES, I do think so!! :D Too funny!

    Cooper looks SOOO cute in his little doggy bed! That looks like a picture you'd see on the front of a greeting card! :)

  4. :) Hi Skye,

    LOL- so you got that connection too!

    Junie's friends, all, seem much smarter than she...
    First one friend then 2 friends and now there are 3...
    who made the connections without hesitating;
    that funny name thing that did escape me!

    Yes-'Alli's Cooper' sounds like 'Alice Cooper.'- now that I say it I know this is true.
    It just didn't hit me when writing about it,
    Now it's stuck in my mind-thanks to YOU,YOU and YOU!!


    Goodnight, all!


  5. This dog definitely have a good life. His owners are good.

  6. How cute is he? Awwwww, so happy for Alli!! :)

  7. Impromptu poetry - I love it!! :D
