Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ 6-13-'10 ~ Alli and Cooper


*Go here* to see other Shadow Shots.


This is my granddaughter and her pup in our backyard earlier this week~
shadows -in black & white and in color!

'Alli and Cooper'

( click on pics to enlarge )




  1. Very nice Shadow Shots! I'm only going to ask who is Ali & who is Cooper, because now adays with kids names you never know!!

  2. ps-I really like all your musical choices! This could be MY playlist!!

  3. Isn't it amazing the difference it can make in a picture if it's in B&W or colour?! You can see the shadows so much better in the B&W one!! Great shot, Junie:-) xoxo

  4. Nice composition. It looks like you sharpened it a lot, or is that just the way that it happened to come out?

  5. AC,

    I think I DID sharpen the B & W-

    Lol- you have a Mac- right? If so you know how much fun can be had with the iphoto program!

    Those shadows, tho, are real. The vid I recently put on of Alli and the pup was the same time and show the same shadows! (thanks to 2 giant 'Live Oaks')


  6. Pea,

    Yes! Some pictures just look better in B&W or sepia tone!



  7. Cassie,

    Thanks for coming by! I'm always happy to see new people here-especially if you compliment my music choices! :) Very happy you like it!

    About the pic-I know just what you mean about names these days...It's hard to figure sometimes. In this case Alli (Allison) is my granddaughter and 'Cooper' is her new puppy!

    btw-I was a little confused at first by your name....because my SIL (Alli's Dad) goes by 'Cassie Dog,' online! That's the name of his dog! (His traveling buddy-He's a long distance truck driver!)



  8. That's funny about CassieDog! My older sister's name is Harley and between the 2 of us there seem to be a bunch of dogs with our names. Thanks Mom. hehe.

  9. I love the pattern of the sunlight dappling through the leaves! Great capture! Oh, btw, what an adorable puppy! You're granddaughter is pretty cute, too! :)

  10. Lovely photos. Coopers looks so very tiny amongst such big shadows!

    Have a great week :)
