Thursday, September 02, 2010

Poem: Patchwork Of My Life


This has been posted before on this or one of my other blogs...but today it comes to mind - as I've been in  quite a pensive state of mind the past few days.

 (... and judging by the date of the writing of this poem, I always HAVE been!  )


Patchwork Of My Life

Looking back upon my life
I see a crazy-quilt design.
Bits and pieces held in place
by a thread so very fine.

Each patch of the pattern shown
represents a span in time-
different friends and other loves;
a separate life that once was mine!

Looking backward on the past
to recall a memory,
it seems foreign to me now;
as if that girl just wasn’t me!

Yet, it’s sad to realize,
the past will be forever gone.
What has happened must remain,
whether it was right or wrong.

Past mistakes cannot be changed,
but just complete their own design,
to the patchwork of your life,
to be reviewed from time to time!

June Kellum


  1. Another beautiful poem you've written. I've always thought of our lives as patchwork quilts, representing every piece of our joys, our sorrows, our accomplishments, our failures, etc. See, we do think alike:-) xoxo

  2. Pea,

    :) yes, we do!

    Thanks, Pea.


