Sunday, October 10, 2010



It's the end of a weekend that seemed especially long and uneventful...and sad...

We had planned to attend the memorial service of our old friend Bill, but  neither of us felt physically up to the long trip upstate from us. It would have been about a 3 hour ride, or more. (x 2 ) I felt sad about this but  realize as we get older  we have to recognize our limitations. Charles had been to have a skin procedure on Friday, plus other appointments earlier in the week and wasn't feeling well. (nor was I, from lack of sleep)

 I'm thankful to have had the chance to renew a friendship of long ago. I feel both my sister and I  added fun  and interest to Bill's last months, as he did the same in our lives!  The internet-and especially Facebook- is amazing in bringing people together and making connections with old friends.

Well-tomorrow is a brand new week and I'm hoping it will be a good one for everyone.

I have an appointment at 10:00 for a bone density test!  ...I hope I'm not still shrinking!  LOL

Plan to get to bed to sleep earlier tonight so I  will feel more rested for the ordeal!  These things stress me out more than you can know!!

Marc (S-I-L) has been home for  3-4 days but will leave out again tomorrow! Yesterday he spent the day at our place getting his truck ready for the road again...Washing and  cleaning it, top to bottom.

Here are Marc and me  getting pics of each other yesterday!  :)
  (being silly)

The weather we're having is something to be happy about- so I'm gonna focus on that this coming week...find time and energy to be outside and enjoy it all!

Good night,
Junie Rose


  1. Things do get harder, especially if we're sick or tired -- as I seem to be.

  2. Sending you a Healing breeze does get harder as we age...
