Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A visit~ ( Plus more catch-up of our place)


We had a very nice visit with  folks from Alabama - Charles' nephew, Danny and his wife Charlotte.  It was a very enjoyable, but a short visit. They stayed just one night and most of 2 days.

Our weather right now is very pleasant, so we were able to sit on the patio yesterday and enjoy the afternoon, chit-chatting! I had planned ahead so had made a big pot of beef stew made for our dinner- cutting down on my time in the kitchen getting our meal together.

They had other places to go and see but we were glad for  the  short visit with them. I think we all enjoyed it!

I neglected to make pictures (I must be slipping!) but here is a pic of Charles and his nephew, Danny, taken a couple years ago at the Kellum family reunion!

( Sorry Charlotte - none of you and me  :)   )


Charles has a couple doctor's appointment this week- one tomorrow and one Friday...
(Friday is appointment with the skin cancer doctor) 
Charles also  was in for the sleep study ,
in hospital on Sunday night, but was unable to complete it. He couldn't get to sleep at all-hooked up to all those wires ...but without his breathing machine which he has had to use for  about 11 years!

The thing is, it has been determined this machine he's on is not doing a good enough job for him...( he stops breathing  sometimes while sleeping) so he needs something more. ...

I don't know what the next step will be...We're waiting to hear from the lung specialist who had ordered this sleep test!

We're hoping (sorta planning) to attend the memorial service for our friend Bill Yates in Crawfordville on this Saturday.  It will be a long drive for us but we both want to go...feel we should go. We'll have see how the week goes...but keeping in mind there is only one time to say a last goodbye to an old friend.

Life gets complicated...


  1. Glad y'all had a good visit...SO sorry about Charle's troubles!!
    Let us know what they figure out!!

  2. My hubby Jay also has sleep apnea and now with the addition of oxygen to the mix things seem to be doing a bit better. Here is hoping the doctor can find something to help Charles.

  3. Thanks, Mary and Donna,

    I know sleep apnea is not that unusual - especially with older people. The past several years C. has been doing fine with what they had prescribed for him to use- now, tho, he needs some adjustments. I hope it can soon be worked out.


  4. I've learned that sleep apnea is VERY common. My son has it Junie...and he's young. When he was being diagnosed and had to sleep overnight at the medical center where the test was, he couldn't sleep either. He had to go back a second time with some things from home that help him relax before he fell asleep, and the test worked. They can make adjustments on those machines all the time...but maybe Charles needs something more now. I hope they figure it out soon...for his sake and yours. ~Joy

  5. Thanks, Joy,

    The thing with C, tho, is he has had this for many years and NEVER lays flat on his back to sleep without the machine he has!( He can't do that because he can't get enough breath...although he can sleep sitting up in a recliner, some)... It has been determined he is still having problems when he sleeps- and needs more...

    But it seems like the testing they were trying to do ( at hospital recently) would be for a new patient who had not already been diagnosed with sleep apnea. They should have known he couldn't sleep without the air-after needing it for over 11 years! He was really stressed and had to leave at about 3:30 AM because he couldn't take it any more!

    Life is complicated these days!


  6. Yeah, it does sound like C took a test that was more for someone trying to figure out if they have sleep apnea...not for someone who has already been diagnosed with if for so long. I'm not sure what kind of further testing they can do when you obviously need something further done, but C needs the next step. Maybe there's more that they can adjust on his present machine...or maybe there's a more advanced machine they could suggest.

    Joe had problems sleeping on his back before he was diagnosed. Since he's had his machine, he can do that now. I have a friend who also has sleep apnea and she has had to have her machine adjusted a couple of times because she just wasn't getting enough oxygen; but then again...her lungs aren't in the best shape. She may actually need to have separate oxygen on a daily basis to help her. Yes, life sure does have its complications Junie. Love to you and C... ~Joy
