Friday, November 05, 2010

Camera Critters_Nov 6, 2010-'Cooper-celebrating Halloween'


The Micanopay fall festival was held on Saturday and Sunday last week. We -My daughter and granddaughter, Charles and I, and 'Cooper, the pup'- went on Sunday-Halloween day.

Coop was very cute dressed in his Halloween themed sweater and he certainly got lots of attention. There were lots of dogs taking the festival in that day...but none cuter than our Cooper.

(well...maybe that little fluffy , white poodle I saw... LOL...don't tell Coop I said that...)

Just kidding, seriously - Cooper is the cutest pup I know!!
The girls had teased the hair on his head into a Mohawk hair style!  :)

These pics were taken as we were about to leave our house for the festival.

The weather was very nice last weekend and we all enjoyed the outing! Cooper had a lot of fun  but had to shed his sweater after awhile.

Here are a few pics of the festival.

(Click to see bigger)



  1. I've heard of that little town, but didn't know for sure where it was! Great pictures, Junie!!

  2. He's a cutie for sure.

  3. Such a "bad Boy" in his skeleton sweater, to cute!

  4. I love his sweater! Too cool and he looks like he likes it too!

  5. He is such a handsome fella. Lovely family photos too.


  6. his sweater is very cool, and so is he
    the festival looks like fun
    you have a beautiful family :)

  7. OOH! I LIKE Cooper's sweater! What a natty dresser. :)

  8. I love Coop's sweater and all these great photos. Thanks for taking us along Junie, and have an enjoyable week ahead.

  9. This serried of shots tells me you all had a great time at the festival....even Coop....I got such a kick out of the one showing what does love to do the most after seeing another dog! Thanks for your visit to my blog and for taking the time to leave me a comment.

  10. Looks like fun. Especially those ice cream cones. YUM!!!
    Coop is a cutie.

  11. I'm Loving the mohawk!!Hahahaaa...AND that darn IceCream, Girl!!

  12. Thanks, all of you!

    Oh yes!! The ice cream was yummy!! :)

    I will visit all of you as I can.


  13. Cooper is too cute in his little Halloween sweater. And of course you know I LOVE the pics of you and your family. What fun that festival must have been.
