Monday, December 06, 2010

Christmas flowers for Mom- 2010


Today my daughter, Tina, and I took flowers for our Ma-Ma.  It's always a bittersweet event-bringing Mom flowers but I always will-as long as I'm able.

  Joy, my sister, was unable to come with us because of a medical appointment with her husband. 

Tina and I also did quite a bit of shopping today. I appreciated her taking me out because I really do not like driving a lot.  We had a fun day Christmas shopping -and just being together for a few hours! Oh-and we had both breakfast and lunch out-lol- We really made a day of it!  :)

Here we are at home and later with Mom's flowers.



  1. Days like this can be heart wrenching. It's wonderful your daughter was with you and you were able to shop and eat out. It sort of takes some of the sting out.

  2. You are so good about visiting your mom's gravesite and it reminds me that I need to do the same for both of my parents. It is always very hard for me but I do feel more at peace afterwards. Thanks for reminding me of the important things in life, especially family. Hugs to you!

    Annabelle :)

  3. I'll be doing the same soon, as well.
    Glad you had company while shopping!

  4. The only time I ever visited my parents' grave was when we left town, and I figured it would be the final time. We had a nice visit, but I didn't bring flowers. We all handle things differently.

  5. Beautiful flowers honoring a much loved lady.

  6. AC,

    Since Mom was buried here in our town I feel better for visiting her site a few times a year... My dad, though, is far away in Alabama and I can't visit his grave site as often.
