Saturday, December 04, 2010

Lazy December day...


Today has been a lazy day around here. I should have been doing something toward my decorating or cleaning or baking but not a thing has been accomplished toward any of that.
 ...Here it is, nearing dinner time, too, and what will I do about that?? Probably not a whole lot...there's always soup to open-or a sandwich to put together-or a frozen pizza!
LOL- We'll survive!

We had visitors for a couple hours today. My sister, Joy, and her husband Mike  came and brought a lemon meringue pie. We had coffee and pie and did a bit of chit-chat. We enjoyed their visit very much.

Joy and I have made tentative plans to take flowers out for Mom on Monday. Hope we can manage it because December is getting on!  With all the doctor appointments we've all had lately it's been hard to arrange  
other things.  Time seems to fly by so fast!

Haven't done much the past several days-except did a little shopping for myself this week. LOL- Well I needed some new jeans and tops so bought myself 6 tops and 3 jeans! That's the only shopping I've done so far...
and I feel very selfish in buying for myself when I should be buying presents for the family!  Oh! But it will get done-I promise! (the other gifts, I mean)

Also my son and daughter-in-law will celebrate their 1st. anniversary in one week- so more shopping for me! Wow!  This year seems to have flown by in a flash!!

We were out a couple nights ago
to dinner with Chris and Joy.

  We stopped by our down town square to see the lights! I hadn't seen the square decorated this year!  It was quite festive and pretty.

For the season we have a Ferris Wheel in operation!  Chris and Joy took a spin on it. Charles and I  didn't.  I got dizzy just looking up at it!

(My pics are not very good but I'm putting some on anyway!)

OK-Soon I will have to tackle my zillion boxes of Christmas decorations and get a tree up!....but not tonight...

Maybe -just maybe- I might make some 
'Magic Cookie Bars' tonight!
We'll see!

Junie Rose


  1. I enjoyed this post... and I'm happy that you bought some things for yourself! That is important too!! :)

    No ferris wheels up here for Christmas!! But we've had a bit of snow today... :)

  2. Oh wow, Junie, I can hardly believe those "younguns" have been married a year already. Good for you buying yourself some new clothes! I haven't done any shopping yet; keep putting it off! This neuropathy is gettin' in my way. LOL

    The girls went to St. Aug. this afternoon, and will be back Monday afternoon, so I'm being LAZY also! :)

  3. Your pictures are fine, June.

    I've never noticed before, but your son is a big man -- just like Dad.

  4. Oh, and I had almost forgotten about the magic bars! I need to look up the recipe so Hunter and I can make those. We've eaten all the Christmas cookies we baked. LOL

  5. AC,

    Chris looks tall next to me or his wife! :) (I'm just 5ft and Joy is a tiny bit shorter than me!) Chris is about 5'9" I think!

    Of course the wt. is a problem for us all- (lol- the 3 of us I mean-not Joy!)

  6. This is indeed the time to spend money, buy gifts, decorate, and bake. But I haven't done any of this so I guess I belong in you 'club' Junie. I will be doing all but the baking starting this week. This is because when I'm out and about the houses are coming alive with a message that the holidays are here.

  7. You sound like I was feeling!Hahaa
    I Literally, Threw myself in the car yesterday morning and MADE myself...START! I was in town from 8am to 3pm! Almost done though, my tree is up with presents under it!Hahaa
    Happy First Year Anniversary to them!! Beautiful couple!!

  8. Nice...really nice. Good to see pics of Chris and Joy too. Happy Holidays Junie... ~Joy
