Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Poem: Merry, Merry Christmas

Merry, Merry Christmas

This Christmas will be different. 
I will not fret as much... 
nor worry that I haven’t reached, 
that special, crowning touch. 

This time I will not second guess, 
the choices I have found. 
My gifts will be wrapped up in love, 
and with devotion, bound.

  This year, I must slow down a bit... 
but hope no one will feel, 
because my gifts are smaller, 
my love is less than real.

  I will arrange my santas - 
as well as I am able.
  I hope the favorites can be found 
and grouped there on the table. 

The angels, sweet and gentle,
  so lovely they will be 
gathered here together, 
so every one can see.

  I think they’re in those boxes, 
upon that shelf so high. 
I hope I can display them. 
I’ll give it my best try! 

 The holly’s hanging, festively, 
the candles, brightly burning.
  The berry wreaths are at the doors,
  to welcome those returning. 

  The tree is standing there, adorned - 
ornaments, shiny bright! 
All our treasures, hanging there,
  reflected in the light. 

The most important part is here . 
(misplacing this - no danger!) 
It’s place of honor - safe, secure, 
our Christ Child in the manger.

June Kellum

(This was first posted here in 2007)


  1. I just love this, Junie. So beautiful! (((hugs)))

  2. Thank you Sally.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


