Friday, March 18, 2011



We are blessed with some very fine neighbors here in our little world! It's something we value highly. It always amazes me how generous and thoughtful people can be...and  it always gives me a warm feeling and makes me smile!

 Often our neighbor - Mr. Smith- phones to ask Charles if we'd like to have some fresh fish...Well-of course we always do want it! :)
LOL- It's even put in a bag of cold water to keep it fresh -in case we have dinner already prepared for that night! More often than not, though, we, indeed, cook it immediately for our dinner that night! Nothing better than fresh caught fish!! Charles meets him just across the meadow next door and Charlie Smith gives him a big bag of fresh caught fish- cleaned and ready to fry!

Another neighbor, often during hunting season, brings us venison...Admittedly, I have reservations about eating deer meat...but that's just this 'Bambi' hang-up I have!  LOL-Have to admit it sure makes yummy sausage!

Yesterday another neighbor-Mr Fish- brought us two of these giant size sweet onions he had grown in his garden! This was the best  I have ever had. We cut one up and cooked it in the microwave- with just salt and pepper and a bit of butter... left slightly crisp, but tender!  Yummy! Had it with our corned beef as a side dish!

Last year this same neighbor brought us veggies from  his garden quite often and a big variety of them- sometimes just leaving a bag on our front porch (un-announced) and leaving us to wonder which neighbor we should thank ! :)

This kind man also brought me pretty Camellias last year - huge ones, unlike the few I have !

Ooops- almost forgot to mention Mr. John...A very elderly gentleman in his late 90s...
John often brings us fresh eggs from their family farm. His wife has sent over cookies  in the past, also.
Good people.


Of course, we have shared our fruit and Charles has done favors for our neighbors too; hauling cattle for some of them, loaning equipment...etc..

That's the way of country folks...or maybe  the way of folks all over!

Do YOU have good neighbors?



  1. That is awesome Junie to have such sweet and kind neighbors, and I know you appreciate them as they do you and Charles. :)

    I have a really nice neighbor next door; she lost her husband last year but she's always bringing me something or having me over to eat dinner. She's a few years younger than me but has a lot of physical problems. She keeps on going though.

    Hope you have a great weekend, and thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I've had a wonderful day! ((hugs))

  2. I love my neighbors. We are country neighbors. In the 'city' we had some good neighbors but it wasn't the same. Here we help if needed, EVERYBODY is friendly, and we know each other's names!

  3. We live in a townhouse, so there are lots of neighbours. We know a few well, nod at others, and some ignore the rest of us.

    I had a friend who once brought us to moose roast. Can you top that? But he shouldn't have -- really!! :)

  4. "I had a friend who once brought us to moose roast. Can you top that? But he shouldn't have -- really!! :)"

    LOL- truthfully-that's the way I feel about the Deer meat! Oh well, it's the thought that counts...:)

  5. The day after we moved in Phyllis my next door neighbor brought us an apple pie she baked. She has brought grapes for us to make jam, tomatoes to can, and goodies she baked on holidays. Her hubby Steve has shoveled snow from our porch, cleared our driveway, taken Jay to the doctor when I wasn't available, numerous times brought my trash cans down or back up when I was laid up with my feet or leg. They and my neighbor behind have gone grocery shopping for us when I couldn't drive. When my truck wouldn't start Steve made sure I got to a shop for a new battery. Too many kind acts to recount with only a thank you or jam in return.

  6. WOW-Mary- you must have the best neighbors of anyone! :)

    There are more good ppl than the other kind-from what I've seen!
