Saturday, April 02, 2011

...and-the rest of the story...


We had a great family party yesterday for my sweet C/Gabbo/Dad!

Not all the family could be here but all except Marc (on the road) and Zach-in classes in Orlando, and Brian, in Orlando, were able to at least check in at some time during the day!

Sweet little Alli was  stuck in traffic, leaving Orlando...and a trip that should have taken less than 2 hours ended up being more than 4!  Yikes!! But she made it in time to see everyone.

Tina  was working and didn't get to come until after most everyone had left for home...:(  She had this nice gift for her dad!

We were happy Tam and Terry were able to come up from Orlando-especially considerate, since Terry is only home for a couple days.
(He's a trucker-as is Marc, my other Son-in-law)

Their son Zach will be up today since he couldn't make it yesterday because of his classes.
(Can't wait to hug that boy again!-He gives GREAT hugs!!)  :)

Dan was off yesterday and has today off also. I'm happy for that as he'll get to visit with Zach and Alli today!  :)

Here he is showing his aunt Tammy his new

Chris had to sleep, preparing for his upcoming  three -12 hour days at the hospital, but we saw him for a bit before he left for his job in Gainesville.  Maryjoy  was here- of course! She made the cake for Dad! Yummy chocolate!

My sis and B-I-L were here  but didn't want to be in pictures... :) I'll honor all requests in that...

(...but I look at it this way...If I had to wait for a good picture of one would have the slightest idea of what I look like....HAHA-
 maybe a good idea-that! )

I might be pictured in the 'mind's eye' as some gorgeous knock-out type...instead of the sweet little old lady I am in Real Life!  :)
Hey- but THIS is the being God created...this is where He wants me to be at this point in my life-so I go with that....and let the chips fall as they may. Just a matter of, "What you see is what you get,folks!" ;)

Everyone enjoyed the day and we had some  really  good food! I made Rotisserie Lemon chicken this time- with my usual 'World Famous' potato salad and cole slaw-and my yummy baked beans cooked with honey mustard BBQ sauce and bacon on top!

 More pics of our folks-food and fun!

His gift from Tam and Terry

 I gave him some Skinny Jeans! :)

And this cool shirt for our  anniversary trip coming up!

Charles-may we share many more birthdays together!



  1. Junie, I know you make these celebration posts for family, but I do so enjoy seeing the pictures of you all. So happy!! I love it!

    Glad it was a nice day for Charles and all of you!!

    You are a beautiful lady! Don't ever think otherwise.


  2. What a beautiful party. Your pictures and description made me feel as if I were there. I sure would have liked a taste of all the goodies, that's for sure!
    Happy Birthday to Charles and many-many more!

  3. Lovely birthday get-together, June. Nice family pictures, and oh, my, all.the food looks scrumptious! Especially that cake.

    Happy Birthday to your dear Charles! And best wishes for a wonderful year.

    Have a lovely Sunday!

  4. Love these! Glad everyone had a great time...I should take more photos as well but I always seem to be Behind the camera!Hahaaa
    Y'all were a beautiful young couple!! Charles reminds me of George Clooney in his younger day!

  5. Hi Junie...gosh it's been a while since I stopped by....I am going down the list of my blogging friends for a visit...I love the picture of you and Charlie...and happy birthday to's great when family can get together to help celebrate...I will be 71 this coming Aug...why how the hell did that happen? LOL... keep in touch, and I will try to be a better blogging friend...i'm jealous your in florida, while i was here in ohio's ice and snow...still waiting for that warm weather and that first tulip to pop.... judy

  6. Junie, I'm glad you're not some 'gorgeous, knock-out type" - I think you're lovely just the way you are!! I'm glad you guys all had a fun celebration for Charles yesterday. :)

  7. Happy belated Birthday to Charles!! Darn it, I hate it when I miss birthdays:-( It sounds and looks like he had a marvelous day and how wonderful that so many of the family members were able to drop by on his special day:-) The food, the gifts, the company...all looked perfect! xoxo

  8. Thanks to all of you! Charles read them all and it pleased him! :)

    Donna-Yah, I can see George Clooney in this pic-LOL-but I usually see Elvis in his early pictures! :)

    Skye-Thanks for your sweet comments! LOL- Glad you like me just as I am!

    JUDY!! Such a nice surprise hearing from you.-After my last computer problem I failed to get a lot of my blog pals back on my list- I'm happy to have you back and will visit you soon.

    Will visit you ALL soon-Tomorrow, I hope!

