Sunday, May 29, 2011

Camera Critters ~ May 29, 2011



We have a small herd of cattle on our little farm.

Recently 2 of our cows had babies.

This first photo is the one  born about 2 weeks ago. They,  almost immediately, mingle with the rest of the herd. This one is already  very comfortable with all the big cows around her.

This is Mary Beth with her new baby May!

This is Cloud, just a few days before she had her baby!

 This is her baby girl, Cleo! 
She is 3 days old but I just saw her for the first time yesterday!

The mom , apparently, didn't like so much attention being paid to her new baby and quickly came over and whisked her away to join the other cows!

I'm happy these 2 new babies are girls because that means they will most likely remain as part of our herd - not be sold at a few months!



  1. Cute, and I can even comment today.

  2. Hooray! What pretty babies!! :)

  3. Hopefully, I'll be able to click Publish and my comment will PUBLISH!!Hahaaa
    LOVE the Babies!!!

  4. YEAH!!! IT DID IT!

  5. They're so cute when they're little like that!!

    OUCHEE - I'ma feelin' Clouds pain. :)

    Hope your weekend is good, Junie. ((hugs))

  6. LOL-Sally- yah-Cloud sure did get big this time and had a good sized calf! Both these babies are good looking calves! (for a change- we've lost several in the recent past!

  7. Thanks-all of you , for coming to look and comment! I appreciate you 'hanging in there' with me!!

  8. I just love babies of all kinds, human and animal:-) Makes you wish they stayed small like that, they're so adorable. xoxo

  9. Thanks, Pea! I love all babies too!
