Saturday, June 04, 2011

Camera Critters_ June 4, 2011_ 'Cooper' comes to visit



This is Cooper with my granddaughter Allison!

'Coop' likes to come to visit and show me his new shirts!  :)  He insists on dressing up before going out, and goes to the place where they keep his shirts stacked and brings whichever one he wants to wear for the day!  :) This time he chose his newest one to show me!  :)

"What Part of WOOF don't you understand?"

Cooper,I like that!

Junie Rose


  1. He really picks out his shirts? Very cute.

  2. Oh, I LOVE Cooper!! Too cute and funny that he loves dressing up and chooses his outfit for the day!!! That is soooo adorable!! My daughter Dianna thinks so too, as she read this post with me! :)

  3. Haha. I can't believe it loves picking out his own shirts! :D

  4. Great shirt, cute dog and granddaughter (or is that granddaughter and granddog?)
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    PS — my verification word is "treaf" which is obviously a cross between "treat" and "woof"! Perfect for Cooper.

  5. How sweet!

    Late visiting for CC, hope you can take a peek at my Camera Critters too. Thanks!

  6. aww, he's so cute!

    i'm a dog person as well. :)

    i really love those shots!

    visiting via camera critters.

  7. Wonderful photos, both your granddaughter and the dog are cute. I am a dog lover too.

  8. LOL- YES! He really does go and get his shirts to put on-and it wasn't a trick they taught him to do! He truly does like wearing the shirts...but whether he has a preference, I'm not sure about that! :)

    He also goes and gets his leash when he wants to go out! :)

    DOGS are wonderful little creatures-and 'Cooper' is very special!
