Friday, July 01, 2011

Thursday Theme Song-(for June 30, 2011)


Where have all the flowers gone...long time passing...

This is an old pictures (very poor quality) of my daughter Tina and me  in a field of wildflowers.

This is the property we bought in Ocala  (1972) where we would eventually build our home, but not until my kids were all grown up!  :(  However, our 'grands' mostly grew up here on this little farm!

This wildflower meadow has always been special to me - still is , to this day!




  1. We use to sing that song 'til our throats were sore!Hahaaaa
    Love the photo of you and your daughter Junie!
    Happy 4th of July Friend!

  2. LOVE the photo, Junie. Very special memory for you both!!


  3. :) yes-I loved all of P,P and M's songs and we played them a lot-My kids loved 'Puff the Magic Dragon!'

    Only later did I realize how political most of their songs were...
    They sure did sound good together-'Peter, Paul and Mary!'

    Happy 4th!!


  4. yes, Sally, at this point we were all so thrilled to have found this little piece of land in Ocala...but we were not able to move here until much later.

    The wildflower meadow is what attracted me-lol. I still get Charles to leave that spot un-mowed in spring and early summer so the wildflowers will bloom abundantly there!

    Happy 4th to you and yours, Sally!!

  5. The song brings back memories. Happy Fourth Junie and family!

  6. That looks like a beautiful piece of property, how special to have had your own wildflower meadow.

    I remember this song well, my friends and I sang it around many campfires.

  7. I did this song earlier on. Love it as a 15 year old when the boys went to Boys brigade and sang it to us.

  8. Oh my goodness!! It's all so beautiful, the song [a favorite of mine]...and your lovely photo.

    I didn't play this week because we had a family loss, but I wanted to stop by while catching up with bloggin' buddies and thank you for participating.
