Sunday, September 04, 2011

Camera Critters~Sept 4, 2011-Emmy and Cooper-again!



My critter post is more adventures with Emmy and Cooper!

My granddaughter, Alli, was home from college for the weekend and she brought their doggie, Cooper, up to visit my Emmy!

My little Poodle, Emma Rose, is always happy to see Alli and Coop and it's a nonstop play time for the two pups. She literally jumps for joy when they come to visit!

Coop, once again, took a fancy to one of Emmy's new toys... this squeaky,  sock monkey. 

He tried his best to hide it away for himself!
....Such determination he had!

Coop finally decided that behind these magazines would be the perfect place to stash the monkey!

LOL-If he could only figure out how to get it to the front door and into the car he'd have it made! 

He's an amazingly funny little guy!  Emmy adores him, as these pictures plainly show!



  1. They are sooooooo cute! Thanks for the little vacation from the day to day.

  2. They are adorable.
    Lovely photo.


  3. It is amazing the friendship that has evolved between the two pups. My own dogs have a dog visitor that they love. Her name is Emily and she belongs to the woman who cleans for me twice a month. I think I am going to have to take some photos, too.

  4. I love Emmy jumping for joy!!! That is just too cute! I love those two doggies a whole lot! :)
