Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bob Seger~"Turn the Page" (from Face Book page)

 (from my FB page today)
Saw this on a friend's page and was reminded again how much I like Bob Seger!
:) I like the way he sounds and I like the words of his songs!

Although this song is about a life style most of us know little about...the words still touch me. I'm reminded how all our lives are about 'Turning the Page,' we have to end one chapter and begin another, over and over throughout our life.

... Hope you enjoy!

PS-You KNOW I have to analyze things-right?? :)



  1. Indeed I love the song and the man. He certainly puts his heart in his music. Thank you Junie for sharing.

  2. Mary, I hoped you wouldn't miss this. I know you're a long time fan of Bob Seger, as I am! :)
