Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday-Ruby Tuesday-Midweek Blues-"NYC Subways"




~~~My pics will be grouped in Yellows-Reds and Blues~~~


Without the NY subways it would not have been possible for us to  see and do all the things we did in 4 days... at least, not possible for the senior lady in the group!

My daughter, Tina, did a lot of research and planning  before our trip and she knew exactly where we were at any given time and knew which subway we'd need to take to get to where we wanted to go....and how far the walk would be to get to the subway station!  My girl is truly amazing!
(On the other hand-I was lost the whole time I was there...I just left it to the girls to figure things out!)

We found riding the subways a fun not at all like it is so often shown  to be in movies or TV shows; with unsavory characters running through all the connected cars with guns!  :)  We did see some interesting guys, though,  entertaining the passengers with their music - a wide variety!

This one act we got a picture of was fun!!  :)
We saw 2 or 3 others during our rides around the city!

We were surprised at some of the interesting art displays at the stations and I will share some  here.

~Mellow Yellow Subway Scenes~
(for Mellow Yellow Monday)

June - getting there

~Some subtle yellows~

~Red Subway Scenes~
(for Ruby Tuesday)

Alli captured my first subway ride!

 My girls at a different times

More Ruby Red Scenes

~Blue Subway Scenes~
(For Midweek Blues)

Still- even with the subway system, (and all those steps down and up again)  a LOT of walking is involved in a visit to NYC! Lol- and at the end of the day you have tired feet!!

  ( Those feet in the white Nikes were especially tired!)


(The end of the ride)


  1. Love, love, love your pics Junie!

    I'm so glad you girls had such a great time, and that you're sharing with us!


  2. I love those smiles!

    Late visiting from RT, Christmas here are some Rubies, please come and see. Thanks!

  3. LOL-Sally-I expect ppl are tired of my going on and on with our trip but you know me-I HAD to cover it all!!:)
    Anyway, I'm finished now- except for maybe a random picture now and then! :)

  4. chubskulit,

    Thanks for visiting me here! :) I'm happy you've enjoyed coming along with us on our NY adventure!

    I'll visit you soon!


  5. Thank's for sharing the beautiful photos..

    Visiting for MYM! Hope you can visit mine too..

  6. More wonderful sights of the city Junie!
    Your feet might be tired but you kept that wonderful smile!

  7. Ladies, all look pretty in red:)

    Visiting for RT! Hope you can visit mine too.

  8. Well for all that walking and riding it looks like you did get to see a lot. And you saw a musician on the subway? THat's kinda like the movies!! GLad there were no guns!

  9. Tina sounds amazing.

  10. Sounds like one FanTABulous trip tho only 4 days. You put a lot of hours in and I'm sure you'll be filled with such fond memories Junie. Oh, and the 9-11 memorial post of yours...well, it's all still so very humbling.

    Friday Fragments
