Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Midweek Blues~Dec 2, 2011~"ZachPack"-age 2

Midweek Blues


This is my 3rd grandson, Zachary, at age two. This has always been a favorite picture of  mine  and a favorite age of that little boy to remember! 


~Little Boy Blue come blow your horn...~


ZachPack~2nd birthday party


( Of course, my 'Grands' are all grown up now...still...I can look at these early pictures and be taken back into those happy times when they were little.)

...And I feel especially blessed that I will be able to experience that 'grand parenting' thing all over again! My son and his wife are giving us ANOTHER grandchild in May 2012!!  Yahoo! This is exciting-as my youngest grandchild (Allison) will be 21 the day after Christmas!  Hope I remember how to do it still,after all these years...that Granny /Ginga thing, I mean!

Love ,


  1. I'm so excited for you, Junie, that you now have so many years of grandparenting ahead of you to look forward to!!

    I am also excited for ME, as I can't wait to see all the pictures you will post of you and your family enjoying the new arrival... and I look forward to watching him/her grow as you share your pictures and stories! I do so enjoy sharing your life with you through your blog, Junie! It makes MY life a little bit richer. :)

  2. My Christmas wish for you, my friend
    Is not a simple one
    For I wish you hope and joy and peace
    Days filled with warmth and sun

    I wish you love and friendship too
    Throughout the coming year
    Lots of laughter and happiness
    To fill your world with cheer

    May you count your blessings, one by one
    And when totaled by the lot
    May you find all you've been given
    To be more than what you sought

    May your journeys be short, your burdens light
    May your spirit never grow old
    May all your clouds have silver linings
    And your rainbows pots of gold

    I wish this all and so much more
    May all your dreams come true
    May you have a Merry Christmas friend
    And a happy New Year, too .. xoxo

    P.S. Congratulations on the wonderful news that you'll become a grandma again:-)

  3. Congratulations Junie...I know how excited you are to add another little one to your family....and you'll remember how to do the "Ginga' thing...it's a part of you. What a lucky little baby he or she will be...lots of love and fun coming it's way. I love that adorable picture of Zach.

    Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family Junie...Love, Joy
