Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The rest of the story...Christmas season 2011-'Our Family.' ( for family)

I'm thankful for having one more Christmas season with all of my family together.  I realize how blessed I am, that we've been able to spend our holidays together, all through the years.

There were a lot of roadblocks in getting it all together this year - mainly, the health and stamina of the 'old folks'... but somehow we managed.

After the trip to NY with my girls- over Thanksgiving- I was tired...and it took a few days to get back to normal. I was running late with all the things I try to do for our Christmas celebrating...I realized I would not be able to do all the things I always want to do in decorating the house, baking, shopping... etc...I tried, tho,  and did the best I could.

 Charles is  a treasure in my life - solid gold, some might say! ( I would, in fact!)

After Christmas Eve, and a dinner and  gathering with the biggest part of our family- I found myself truly exhausted...and didn't feel I could face doing a turkey and dressing from scratch  as we  always do...We had a ham cooked and ready for Christmas day....but we also had a thawed turkey that had to be got in the oven early, so as to be ready by the time our other family/guests drove up from Orlando.

  Charles (bless his heart) said he would take care of getting the turkey and dressing on, early on Christmas morning! He did just that! 

I honestly could not have done it - that's how exhausted I was!  We would have just had ham...and, although the ham was great...Christmas for us means Turkey and cornbread dressing and ALL the trimmings! :)

  Charles saved the day!  lol- Because I was more rested I felt up to making a banana pudding and I felt good about that! The girls brought dishes and desserts too. 
The end result was an excellent dinner, enjoyed by each and every one of us!

Since some couldn't be here for Christmas Eve we changed our routine of opening our gifts to Christmas Day. We did that after our meal! A grand time was had by one and all .  It was a happy time for everyone.

Things were a little different this time but life is about changes...and I,  more than most,  need to realize that and go with life's changing scene. 

Speaking of changes...Next Christmas we will once again have a  little child in our Christmas celebrating...By Christmas, Christopher and Joy's baby will be about 7 mo. old! They've been told the baby is a boy!! What fun that will be  :)  I can hardly wait! Another little grandson - how COOL is that!  ;)


Random pics of our Christmas season-Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

~for family:
more pics  of our Christmas season in previous posts~

Junie Rose


  1. I'm glad Christmas was saved by Charles! :) :) It looks like it was a wonderful celebration for you all... thanks for sharing your pictures, Junie! :)

  2. What a nice family gathering and the food sounded just right. AND being married to Santa must have made it even better.

  3. I experience the lack of stamina thing also Junie. 76 is not an easy age to be when a big job needs to be done but our family cooperated also and everything turned out well.

  4. Glad Charles got 'er done for you! It IS a lot of work!
    Love the photos Junie!

  5. Charles saved the day....that doesn't surprise me. That's what wonderful families do....and you have a most wonderful family. Change is sometimes hard for some of us Junie...but it will always be there; so I've learned to adjust too. Love your beautiful pics....Happy New Year to you and Charles...blessings always. ~Joy
