Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Years good luck food!!


Every New Years Day we have the traditional southern meal for good luck; black eyed peas cooked with hog jowl. We also have  turnip greens or mustard greens, also cooked with the hog jowl for seasoning.
Charles always makes cornbread 
to go with this . (the best in the world!!) For our meal today we also cooked a pork roast and a pot of rutabagas!
UMMM...It was all yummy....and.. best of all it will bring good luck to all who eat this!

We made sure our kids and grands in Ocala ate some of our food today.

Tina, Dan, Brian and Alli came up and shared our good luck meal.

Chris and Joy had to stop by later to have what I had saved for them.

Better safe than sorry, kiddos!




  1. That meal looks wonderful Junie!! That was a tradition that we never grew up with. In fact I never heard of it until I was grown!

    That cornbread looks like the kind my Mom always made. Now we had cornbread a lot when I was growing up! Good stuff!!

    Happy New Year!!!

  2. Hi Rachel- I didn't know this tradition either until I married Charles!....Oh, yah- I love this kind of food and especially the way C. makes corn bread. We always use buttermilk in it and bacon grease!

    Happy New Year Rachel! Hope it's a good one for ALL of us!

