Thursday, March 29, 2012

FB-About the baby~

(from my FB page today)
Today, (because Chris had to work and was not able to do it) Charles and I drove Joy to Gainesville for her 2 week check at her doctor's office. We were happy to go with her...AND I got to hear that wonderful and strong heartbeat of that little baby ! What a miracle, having a baby is!
(my wish and prayer is that everyone could recognize the miracle of life)
Joy has 6 weeks to go until the baby is due to be born!!!

This was the 2 of us as we were leaving our house...we look happy-yes? (lol-tho I'm squinty eyed in the eyes are sensitive to the light)

Still, I like this pic of us on this spring day-just 6 weeks before the baby comes! :)...He'll be able to see how excited and happy we were, waiting for his arrival! :)


  1. Love the photo, Junie! I know you guys cannot wait for that baby boy; especially Joy, those last weeks are tough sometimes! :)

  2. Joy has a great attitude-never complains. I love and admire this girl a lot and I know she will make a good mom! :)

  3. So exciting and it won't be long.

    Junie, I have tried to comment on your Friday Fence post four times today. Something happens with the word verification box. I don't know if others are having the same problem. I'm hoping this will post so you will know.
    Blogger catches most spam these days so I'd suggest turning off the verification.

  4. Carletta,

    I did have a couple comments on that post...

    If I knew how to turn the word verification off, I would -but I don't know how. :( Anyway , will try to take care of it somehow.

    Others have mentioned how hard it is to read those things and get them right-so I'd like to end all that if I can.
