Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Barn Charm_May 14,2012



Every year we make a trip to the north Alabama where my husband grew up. I enjoy riding around the countryside and seeing many old barns that still stand. My husband has memories and connections to  a lot of them and, especially, to this one.

This barn is on the land where my husband's family lived  for several years - from the time he was a little guy until he was about age 15 - if I remember correctly!
The area was known as Mud Bottom,located near the Elk River.

The house that they lived in is not there anymore
 (having been replaced years ago with a new one)
  but the surrounding fields still have crops of cotton or corn growing each year and the old barn still stands!



  1. LOVE that it's called Mud Bottom. Love that second photo. AND, love that your hubby used to live there.

  2. what a beautiful barn :)

  3. Cool barns Junie!!

  4. I visited my Mom on Mother's Day and I love driving the backroads I knew in my youth and seeing all that remains the same after so many years.
    I like that first shot that shows the barn in it's natural setting.
    We have an Elk River here in West Virginia that my husband used to swim in when he was growing up. :)

  5. Lovely setting--looks like a comforting place to grow up. I enjoy the names of places down south although Ohio has its share of unique ones. Elk River brings quite a view images to my imagination.:>)

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The red barn is really pretty, esp in contrast to all that green! WoW!

    Thanks so much for joining =)

  7. Thanks, all of you. I'll visit your blogs soon.

  8. What great shots of the old homestead barn. I'm sure your husband has mixed emotions when you go back - but it's nice that you go back.
