Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Face Book post-Bird invasion at Junie's Place

June Kellum
(posted on FB)
Oh, my gosh!! For the 3rd time in recent weeks, tonight after dinner I discover a BIRD flying around in my house!!! It's one of those that sometime nest in chimneys... I assume..a small blackish/brownish bird! OK-It flew into the dining room and was perched on a I left the room to tell C. and, hopefully, get some help from him! By the time I got back it was gone...I can't find it!!!

Have had 2 encounters before and the first time was able to get the bird to fly out the door-The other time I found a DEAD bird entangled in my lace curtains in the living room!!!

I'm baffled because I had secured the screen of the fireplace and thought it couldn't happen again!!! BUT it has!!! :( WOE is me!!! What am I to do? :(
Some comments:
  •  Bev:
     Do you have a hungry cat?
  • June Kellum ‎:) that's an idea-My Lucy has been known to catch birds....but I wouldn't have the heart to do that... It's weird and I certainly don't feel up to dealing with this , after a long day of grocery shopping!!
  •   Sally:
    June Kellum If I only had a net I'd have some hope of capturing it....but I don't have a net!
     A cat will find it....just sayin'.
  • June Kellum Sally- "Yikes!" describes it well!! make things worse, C. is not doing well right now-(has been bad with his back trouble for weeks) so I can't expect help from him...he can barely walk. :( I'll do what I can... IF I even see it again tonight...and if I can't get it I will fall back on my mom's favorite prayer....The Serenity Prayer.
  • June Kellum Pat, I cat is a good hunter too... but I hate to do that :(... I HATE this!
  • Pat:
    I know how you feel. I chased a bird around the office once with a broom because even though I opened the windows and the doors it insisted upon flying around inside the office. I hope you find the source of where it is getting in also. Remember it is just a if it were a snake I would pack my bags and find a hotel!

  • Brenda:
    I hope he/she is not making a nest. :-)
  • June Kellum Yes, Pat-just a bird....but remember Hitchcock's movie-'The Birds?" :)
  • June Kellum Brenda, I think it fell out of a nest, high up in the chimney!
  • June Kellum Well, I tacked sheets up on the 2 doorway openings to the living/dining rooms... so it will be confined to those rooms...I saw it again but lost sight of it again. (hoping it didn't fly out without me knowing-into the other rooms or up the stairs... :( Tomorrow we will have to take the screens off the windows (8 windows!!!!) and get it out-I hope!!! Just hope it's where I think it is...those 2 rooms! Meanwhile- I'm giving up for tonight! Dallas will be coming on soon! Gotta check that out- in spite of my bird invasion!!
    ...And -nothing has changed!!
    Any ideas?
     Junie Rose


  1. Is the screen you speak of on the top of the chimney? Is that where they're getting in? Good luck.

  2. AC,

    The screen I speak of is the one in front of the fireplace. They are coming down that way, I'm sure. We will have to get a screen over the top but not possible right now-C. is not able to do anything with his back problem. Also-have to make sure there's not more birds ( or bats) in the chimney before closing it up!

    Meanwhile-I've not seen the bird at all today. I have those 2 rooms secure with the sheets I put up.....but I'm sooo frustrated!!! :(

