Monday, June 04, 2012

MYM and RT2 ~June 4, 2012- Our Town Square


This time I'm combining
 ~Click above links to see other posts~


On Saturday my husband and I were out for awhile.  We went to have breakfast and then just rode around our town for awhile.  

We eventually ended up at our town square.

 Each Saturday there is a Farmer's Market set up there. Flowers and crafts are on display, as well! The square is also the home to a few of the Art Horses that have been so popular in our town.
 (2 different Horse Fever projects!)

Below are more of the pictures I got around town, in Mellow Yellows and Ruby Reds~ and in no particular order.

Charles bought this little Yellow Orchid plant for me!
 I think the name of this one is
 "Dancing Lady!"

Junie Rose


  1. A farmer;s market is a treat. Of course, a little bit of envy too - in Florida, the produce is really fresh now not picked weeks earlier like we get in New England. What is nice is that artistic sign beckoning us to stop in - what a great place!

  2. Love the horse sculpture!
    Farm Markets are just great. Those tomatoes look so good!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. I so love going to Farmer's Markets but ours isn't opened yet. Actually, I think it will be opening this coming weekend, will have to check. I imagine yours goes on all year round?

    Love your yellows and ruby pictures:-) Those horses are just fabulous, such artistry!

    Also love the orchid plant that Charles got for you, perfect:-) xoxo

  4. Thanks for all your comments! I'll be around to visit!

  5. Went to the Flint Farmer's Market this last Saturday for the first time and was taken by all the produce, crafts, etc. and

  6. Very pretty!

    Yellow Ride, would love for you to come and see it, I had fun!

  7. I like going to the farm market and buy the fresh produce, yum!

    Visiting for Ruby Tuesday 2- hope you can stop by:)

  8. I think farm market is a great idea to get fresh produce!

    Late visiting for MYM, hope you can still visit my yellow post, thanks!

  9. I love farmers markets--all the sights and sounds!

    Red Door in Mexico

  10. i used to go to farm markets before. i love your flower pictures. hope you can visit my My Ruby Tuesday here.

  11. I never knew we had a farmer's market! I really really have to get out more.

  12. :) Are you living in Ocala?
