Monday, September 17, 2012

Mellow Yellow Monday~Sept 17, 2012 -SPIDER


( from Wikipedia)

The golden silk orb-weavers (genus Nephila) are a genus of araneomorph spiders noted for the impressive webs they weave.

On a recent late afternoon, as the sun was getting low in the sky, I looked west across my side yard and the golden web of this spider caught my eye.  I had to go out and get a closer look at the spider and the elaborate web she had created!
This web is tattered in a few spots but still impressive to see.

I'm fascinated by these spiders and the webs they make
...although a nuisance for my husband when he mows the grass.

(click on pics to enlarge)




  1. When we have the hummingbirds fly through they easily get caught in those webs...I always tear them down if they're huge...
    Love the photos though!

  2. I've heard of that happening but I've never seen it. I imagine it could be a problem.Of course I'd come down on the side of the hummingbirds! :)

  3. spider webs are great photography subjects...but this creature gives me goosebumps!

    MYM: Wildflower

  4. These are wonderful pictures, Junie. You're a great photographer!


  5. What a big and scary web:(

    Visiting from MYM- hope you can you stop by..

  6. wow!

    Visiting late from Mellow Yellow Monday. I would be tickled if you can comment on my Yellow Post as well. Thank you!

  7. Thanks, all of you, for looking and for the comments. I'll visit each of you soon.
